Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Gold Pumping Charlatans Promote Coronavirus Fake News to Pitch Gold

If the wave of fear mongering we see today with the Coronavirus outbreak reminds you of the gold pumping syndicate, there's good reason, as we can draw many comparisons. 

In fact, many gold pumpers are using the Coronavirus as a sales pitch for gold. These are the many of same people who are responsible for spreading baseless lies about the virus.

For instance, Jewish gold-pumping clown Jim Sinclair (who pumps the doomsday narrative in order to lure suckers into his epic failure mining stock) claimed without any evidence whatsoever...

More on Sinclair: 

EXPOSED - Jim Sinclair and (Select) Gold Pumping Websites

Jim Sinclair: Exposed as a VERY Shady Gold Pumping Clown

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