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Even Establishment Shill Warren Buffett Subtly Implies Climate Change is a Hoax

As many of you already realize, I proclaimed the so-called "man-made climate change" as a hoax from day one. 

Back then (many, many years ago) they were calling it "global warming." But eventually the kingpins behind the scam changed the name from "global warming" to "man-made climate change" when it was proven that the earth actually wasn't getting hotter, at least in a manner that was consistent with the global warming narrative.

I still remember as a youth how government officials and pseudoscience puppets were fearmongering about "global warming." They spread similar types of catastrophic fear mongering scenarios as seen with the modern-day global warming hoax otherwise known as "climate change."

The media did its part by attempting to scare the population. We see the same general behavior today although in many ways the propaganda is much more intense and complex. 

If you investigate the full history of "global warming" you will see that the establishment has been trying for decades to convince the public of this so-called imminent environmental "catastrophe" using fear.

In the USA, use of fear is a great tactic because the US government has created a fear-based society which is useful in convincing the population to support ridiculous wars and pass worrisome laws which take away individual rights and freedoms. 

By creating a society based on fear you can achieve the ultimate form of population control because the people will demand things that in effect lead to more "big brother" control without their knowledge. Getting people to agree to be locked up is always much easier than forcing people into prison. 

To be clear, certainly Man's actions impact the environment. That's been a reality for a long time.

But the environment is not being adversely altered by the actions of Man in a manner that is leading to some environmental "catastrophe." This is a ridiculous claim that has been forwarded by establishment shills and con artists alike, most of which lack an adequate understanding of basic science.

In fact, basic scientific reasoning itself invalidates the claims made by the "climatologist" crowd. Those who do understand science but who also support the notion of "man-made climate change" have been bought and paid for by the government and...

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