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Jewish Doctor at Baylor College of Medicine Carol Baker Says "Get Rid of All the Whites in the U.S."

Footage has surfaced of a top Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) official saying that her solution is to “get rid of of all the whites in the United States.” She goes on claiming that immigrants want vaccines, which implies that she wants to exterminate Whites and replace them with immigrants in order to reduce the number of people who refuse vaccines.

The Jew, Dr. Carol Baker made these stunning remarks during the “Achieving Childhood Vaccine Success in the U.S.” panel discussion sponsored by the National Meningitis Association in New York City on May 9, 2016.

So I have the solution. Every study published in the last five years, when you look at vaccine refusers,” Baker told the panel. “I’m not talking about…hesitance, most of them we can talk into coming to terms. But refusers. We’ll just get rid of all the whites in the United States…Guess who wants to get vaccinated the most? Immigrants.”

Notably, Baker was appointed Chair of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization by Obama’s Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in 2009. The Houston doctor was also honored with the Sabin Vaccine Institute’s 2019 Albert B. Sabin Gold Medal at a Washington D.C. ceremony sponsored “in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Pfizer.”

Imagine if a White person said they had a "solution" and it was to "Get rid of all Jewish people in the United States."  

Listen to what Baker says. And yes she is Jewish. 

If you're Jewish, you're allowed to say and do anything you want with no consequences. 

In fact, the Jewish mafia has enabled all non-White races to say anything without repurcussions as long as it's against White people. 

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