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Search results for: cnbc



Showing 261-280 of 316 results

How the Media Overhypes Warren Buffett's Performance to Convince You Its Guests are "Experts"

I began my mission helping investors steer clear of Wall Street because I learned firsthand how the game was played after having worked in the industry.  Thereafter, I learned how the media helps Wall Street after I was black balled by all media in 2006 and thereafter for trying to warn main street about what would become an unprecedented financial crisis in 2008.  My mission has been to help investors become more knowledgeable and successful by providing cutting-edge investment research as well as top-notch educational content. I think I've done quite well in that regard.  As a part of this mission, I have also spent a great deal of time and effort exposing the criminal activities of the financial media, as it works with Wall Street to deceive and defraud main str...

Golden Dreams & Delusions: The Story about Gold You Haven't Heard (PART 4)

Gold Bugs and Conspiracy Nuts... There are so many silly statements being made by gold bugs that it would take me a very long time to debunk them all. Most of them are not even worth my time to debunk, as they are so ridiculous. Perhaps the most ludicrous thing about these gold bugs is that they accept anything they read or hear about gold without bothering to analyze the accuracy of the claims, as long as it favors higher prices for gold and silver. Such individuals lack the ability to understand and control their psyche. Without this ability, investors stand to lose.

Did You Miss Out on the Longest Bull Market in History Because You Listened to Charles Nenner?

In the past I haven't posted much if anything about Charles Nenner in part because I believe it's pretty obvious that he’s not someone who should be taken seriously after hearing him speak of cycles and other nonsense. Just listen to the guy. He's a complete clown! Similar to most failures in the financial industry, Nenner aligned himself with the gold pumping syndicate many years ago as his market collapse "forecasts" failed to pan out.

Why No One Won a Pulitzer for Financial Reporting (Part 2)

Continuing from Part 1, I basically handed the ingredients for a Pulitzer to a few reporters from the New York Times and LA Times, but they were too ignorant and arrogant to recognize the full value of my donation. Alternatively, perhaps they were told not to pursue things by their superiors due to the ramifications to the banking cartel and the SEC. Either way, the truth was hidden from you. Let me elaborate a bit. You see, last year, I sent these journalists my 30-page formal report to the SEC which showed clear insider trading in WaMu. As well, I discussed how the banking cartel took WaMu down illegally (and possibly conspired) via naked short sales, knowing that one of the members of this cartel would be able to buy up their assets at pennies on the dollar...

Benzinga: Another Jew-Run Fake Financial News Boiler Room Operation Promoting Jewish Clowns as Experts

No intelligent person who has performed adequate research can honestly deny that the Jewish mafia controls all media and uses it as a weapon by which to deceive and defraud the public.    By now I’m sure AVAIA Members and Research Clients understand how important their sources of information are. Today with the various cults and daily fake news posts scattered throughout social media, YouTube and the internet in general, it’s easy to get sucked into disinformation.   And because of the prevalence of the very dangerous “DIY” (do-it-yourself) mentality, disinformation can easily become the primary component of your knowledge base as well as your sense of reality. Add to this the fact that Internet operates as a virtual confirmation bias machine d...

Blast from the Past: Real Estate Then and Now

This is just a reminder to those who don't know about me. 

Would You Like to Get Our Research Publications for Free?

Once again, Mike Stathis nailed the most recent market sell off in April.

More Misguided "Forecasts" from Peter Schiff

In the past, I have addressed the errors made by Peter Schiff's analysis of the economy and healthcare.  For those of you who are still behind the curve and actually think Schiff knows what he is talking about, (i.e. being more right than wrong) you should question how a man who has no expertise in healthcare thinks he knows how to fix the problems.

Video Presentation "20 Stocks Over $100" Lands HUGE Profits: CMI

Investors who purchased our video research presentations continue to rake in HUGE profits. The following represents just one example.

Paul Singer, ANOTHER Jewish Parasite Celebrated by the Jewish Media

It’s the same song and dance from the Jewish Mafia. When are people going to rise up and put an end to this global parasitic behavior?             Each of these companies have either defrauded investors or the public. Each of the highest paid CEOs happen to be Jewish.          Okay, let's summarize. The companies have engaged in massive fraud and they are run by Jewish CEOs who happen to be paid more than all other CEOs. Are these mere coincidences?  Don't think this small list comprises the extent of Jewish management in US corporations. Most large US corporations are run by Jewish management.       They are ALWAYS CONSTANTLY being promoted by their t......

Ron Paul: Wrong on the Economy, Wrong on Healthcare (Part 2)

According to Paul, healthcare should be run like mobile phone providers!  Okay let's see. Mobile phone carriers tie you into legally-binding service contracts with extortionist penalties for breaking the contract even when they fail to render services, etc. In fact, America's healthcare is already run like mobile phone providers. That's one reason why healthcare has become such a problem.  See here When the interviewer in the above video (Aaron Task) mentions that most consumers are dissatisfied with their phone carriers, Paul counters with his typical generic reply - "there's too many government regulations on [phone] carriers."  Wrong again Congressman.  It's been selective government regulations (lobbied for by the big industry leaders) that...

Peter Schiff Wants More of Your Money

In 2007 Peter Schiff "wrote" a book that was apparently geared to win the approval of an unsophisticated and rather gullible audience. In addition to mentioning his disastrous brokerage firm on every other page, Peter Schiff’s 2007 book, Crash Proof turned out to be anything but a resource to avoid a stock market crash.

Understanding the Proper Use of Gold and Silver

For a couple of years now, many investors have been bombarded with claims of hyperinflation and a Zimbabwe-like fate for the U.S. dollar. These gold bugs would have you believe that gold has value as a form of currency. They have made these claims hoping that everyone will line up to buy gold, so as to raise the price. The swarm of gold bugs has reached out to cover every crevice of the media, from television and radio networks to print media and the Internet. And their efforts have been quite effective. Today, gold ATMs are being rolled out across the U.S. to take advantage of the hype generated by this misguided and deceptive movement of gold pumpers. As I have discussed many times in the past, predictions of hyperinflation and a Zimbabwe-like fate for the dollar are complete nonsense....

Stock Market and Economic Overview

Approximately three months weeks ago the U.S. markets began to correct. We warned about this first correction in the May issue of our firms paid research publications.

Securities Analysis & Trading Webinars (Recorded Archives)

Those who are unfamiliar with me can find out more about my credentials, my background, as well as my investment research track record here, here, and here. Examine Mike Stathis' unmatched track record of predicting the 2008 financial crisis, enabling investors to capture life-changing profits by checking here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Securities Analysis & Trading Webinars (Archives) You are not required to have completed the Boot Camp series prior to purchasing the Securities Analysis & Trading Webinar Recorded Archives, but it is highly recommended.&......

We Sold CenturyLink BEFORE It Collapsed

We also have some additional news to report for Dividend Gems subscribers. On February 14, 2013, the same day Berkshire Hathaway announced a huge payday for Dividend Gems subscribers with a buyout offer for Heinz (HNZ) for more than $72/share, Warren Buffett Follows Our Lead on Heinz ... ...shares of another one of our recommended securities were downgraded after management cut the dividend by 26%.

World's Top Investment Strategist Says Peter Schiff is Clueless

For those of you who are not yet familiar with who I am, my name is Mike Stathis. I am the world's top investment strategist and investment forecaster and I have the published track record to prove it. This is a fact that remains unchallenged despite backing it with a $100,000 prize (recently raised to a wager of $500,000 with 2-to-1 odds so that if you win, you receive $1,000,000; details forthcoming) for the person who can prove otherwise (see the end of this article for some of my track record). Naysayers who are not familiar with me or my published track record might be thinking that it seems impossible that they have never heard of someone who claims to be the world's the leading investment strategist. Those who are familiar with me realize that I was banned long ago by...

Beck & Co.: Cashing in through Scare Tactics

It seems as if the new trend in modern America is to use scare tactics as a way to sell the sheep.   It worked for President Bush when he warned of Saddam’s WMDs. It also worked for Paulson when he shoved the unconstitutional banking and auto bailouts (TARP and other taxpayer funds) down the throats of U.S. taxpayers. (1) (2) (3) (4) Today, various individuals, from media clowns to investment pundits are using their own brand of scare tactics in order to get people to buy gold. As you shall see, this article addresses the controversy of these activities. Let me first begin with a reminder about the dangers of America’s media monopoly. Instead of presenting different perspectives in a manner which promotes an open forum of debate and inquiry, the media feeds its audien...

Did You Profit from Shorting Social Media Stocks? If Not, You Haven't Been Paying Attention.

Regardless of the topic, with every article I write I always try to provide valuable lessons towards becoming a more sophisticated investor. Sometimes these lessons are obvious, but other times they are not. Even when I write about a topic like media deceit, there will be lessons about the investment process. These lessons may be secondary to the primary theme of the article, but I assume that each of you will read between the lines. If you are truly tapping the full value of my publications, you are likely to be included in the group of individuals who have managed to get their hands on EVERYTHING I have published; all research, all newsletters, all books; everything. These are the investors who are positioning themselves to eventually become great investors. Most people want “q...

Deconstructing Meredith Whitney's Default Predictions

If I hired a full-time staff of 100 financial professionals specifically dedicated to the task of calling out all of the media’s so-called financial experts (largely comprised of lifelong snake oil salesmen and Wall Street hacks), pointing to their miserable track records, while setting the record straight on their exaggerations, drama-filled statements, bias, agendas, cheerleading and apocalyptic predictions, we would be unable to address even one-tenth of the propaganda that continues to invade the minds of Americans.
