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Showing 161-180 of 316 results

Blast from the Past: Mike Stathis Predicted the Bankruptcy of Sears Many Years Ago

As the rumors of Sears' (SHLD) announcement of bankruptcy proceedings build, it's a good time to reflect on the past. Below is a blast from the past whereby Mike Stathis not only predicted an eventual bankruptcy for Sears years in advance, he actually "guaranteed" it would happen.    Those of you who have been following Mr. Stathis for some time probably also recall that he made the same guarantee regarding RadioShack (RSH) several years before it's bankrutcy.  He's also gone on record as early as 2011 predicting bankruptcy for JC Penny (JCP) during a time when "genius" fund managers such as George Soros, Bill Ackman and Kyle Bass were stockpiling millions of shares. According to Mr. Stathis "Only a fool would have bought Sears, RadioShack or JCPenny anytime afte...

Mike Stathis' Research Provides Investors With a Huge Competitive Advantage: Exhibit #1

Those who are unfamiliar with me can find out more about my credentials, my background, as well as my investment research track record here, here, and here. Examine Mike Stathis' unmatched track record of predicting the 2008 financial crisis, enabling investors to capture life-changing profits by checking here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you have a competitive advantage to help you beat the market indexes?  If not, you stand no chance of beating the indexes in the long run.  Without a sustainable competitive advantage, most investors wil......

The Realities of America's Free Market Economy

On many occassions, I have made mention of the fact that, despite popular belief, America's economy really does not operate with free market dynamics. I really focus on this premise in America's Healthcare Solution.  In virtually every industry, you see a variety of activities that act to disrupt true free-market forces. Some industries are worse than others.  In my opinion, the industries that have the worst free-market dynamics are healthcare, finance, and energy. In  contrast, I view the consumer electronics market as the industry with the best free market dynamics. But as you will see, if this industry is the closest America can come to free market dynamics, we have some really big problems.

How to Get a Free Copy of America's Healthcare Solution

In yet another attempt to encourage you to call out the hacks, I am announcing a contest. It's quite simple. All you have to do is submit the most ludicrous statement or prediction by anyone in the financial media, any of the so-called experts, officials in Washington, Wall Street, economists and so on, pertaining to the real estate market, the stock market, the economy, employment, healthcare, or anything else related.  The time should span 2006 to present. The best submission will win a free copy of America's Healthcare Solution.  Each individual can make only one submission containing up to five (5) quotes. In other words, you can only send one email, but it wan contain five (5) quotes, all from the same person, or from different individuals. You...

Death by Media (Part 2)

I continue where I left off from Part 1 of this piece... It might seem like the guys interviewed by the financial media know what they’re talking about. But if their position is too superficial or too extreme, their guidance could actually prove to be worse than those who listened to Larry Kudlow, or “Mr. Perpetual Bull Market."

Why Mike Stathis is the World's Best Investment Analyst: Part 5

Check out these links, take notes, analyze what happened and then you will begin to see why Mike Stathis is the world's best investment analyst.   Stathis Shows Ackman, Soros And Bass Who The Boss Is Mike Stathis Predicts Sears' Demise (along with Radio Shack and JC Penny) Years Ago While Exposing CNBC Idiots Mike Stathis Warned About the 2022 Bear Market Before it Began Can You Beat the S&P 500 Index? You Can If You Have Access to Our Research Mike Stathis Predicted the Coronavirus Bear Market and Nailed the Bottom Mike Shows You How to Make 100% in 2 Weeks and 200% in 6 months Did You Own the Best Stock of 2016? Intelligent Investors Did Mike Stathis is the Only Person to Have Nailed the First and Second Interest Rate Hikes Mike Stathis Nails the Stock Marke......

Market Manipulation by the Media is Happening Right Now

I don't have time to go into the detail this deserves, but hopefully the notes I wrote on the image below and referencing back to the previous two pieces by the media (mentioned below) will help you realize what's going on here. Certainly, those who have followed me for some time will understand precisely what is going on here.

List of Media Articles (media deception and lies)

“If I submit a manuscript to a publishing house, it is again checked first for references to the Jews, and second, to see if its author is on the Jewish blacklist. In this manner, the Jews prevent any gentile writer from reaching the public if he is known to be indifferent or hostile to their goals, if he has refused to become a member of the shabez goi class.   Any publication which rejects Jewish censorship is either driven out of business, or taken over by Jewish financial interests.   A book which is published by gentiles who are not of the shabez goi class is ignored by the book review departments of mass publications, and bookstores refuse to stock it, for their stocks are reviewed monthly by traveling ADL agents who enter the store incognito, inspect the stock, a...

2013 Mid-Year Global Economic Analysis

You have probably heard what the clowns in the media have said about the economy.  Unfortunately, the media is littered with misguided salesmen like Peter Schiff, Mark Faber and other gold dealers, who clearly have no idea what they're talking about. What they do have are agendas.   Then you have pundits who are always late to the party.   Ask yourself the following question…   Have you ever gotten a true sense of the reality of the U.S. or global economy by listening to the clowns in the media?

"Watch TV, Make Money!" Who's REALLY Making Money? (Part 6)

In Part 5 of this series, I discussed how Don Luskin serves as one of the biggest Wall Street hacks on TV. This is specifically why Larry Kudlow has him on his pro-Wall Street, neo-conservatism show. I demonstrated just how dedicated Luskin is towards this mission by discussing his ever so timely op-ed in the Washington Post. So let me finish where I left off.   Mr. Luskin, congratulations. That op-ed will probably make history books someday as an example of why many U.S. newspapers went bankrupt. It certainly marks you as a fool. But don’t think of that piece as the clincher. You’ve had many appearances on Kudlow (your fellow hack buddy) that labeled you a fool and hack prior to that.

EXPOSED: Jim Rickards (Part 1)

For the past two or three years now, a new charlatan has risen up from the ranks of the trash bin. Oh and he just happens to be Jewish. Coincidence?  You decide.  This egghead has been getting a great deal of media attention despite the fact that he has no track record, and was nowhere to be seen or heard prior to the financial crisis. One reason why he has no track record is because he has NO asset management training or experience. He is a second-rate attorney who was part of the gang of incompetent schysters at Long-Term Capital Management. This is a man who tries SO HARD to impress his stooge audience that even his pseudo-intellectual demeanor reveals his desperation. Hey Jim boy, you might want to tone down your pseudo-intellectual babble a bit because you so...

A Warning to All Investors

It’s that time of year again when the cheeseball marketers and penny stock newsletter bozos gather to pitch their bull to the sheep. The name of one of the biggest of these events is the Money Show, organized by a company called Intershow. Let me be blunt. The speakers at this event (labeled “leading investment experts”) are either morons or they have biased agendas. Of course, that’s just my own opinion. Whether they are complete idiots or not, the fact is that they are all there for one purpose; to promote their agendas.

Mike Stathis Nailed the Stock Market Top and Bottom AGAIN (May 2019)

Mike Stathis has been accurately forecasting stock market tops and bottoms ever since he predicted the Dow would collapse to 6500 year years before it happened. And when it did happen, he advised investors to begin buying for the first time since he advised them to sell stocks back in October 2007. Once again, Mike Stathis predicted the market top and bottom in the April and May research (Intelligent Investor and Market Forecaster). He advised subscribers to sell stocks at a period that would later turn out to be the top. And in advance he told them when they should reenter the market. This recommendation turned out to be the bottom of the market selloff in late May 2019.

Do You have Any Sympathy for the Crooks That Robbed You?

The latest from the AIG continues now with another greedy attorney fighting for bonus money for AIG employees - the same people who helped collapse the global economy. 

Bill Miller Bought Amazon (AMZN) as a "Great Value" Stock in 2022

Perhaps you remember Bill Miller. From 1991 through 2005, Legg Mason’s Bill Miller was (allegedly) the only mutual fund manager to have beaten the S&P 500 Index each year for that 15-year period (allegedly).

Investment Legend Mike Stathis Exposes Graham Stephan and Kevin Paffrath as Disinfo Scam Artists

I began my mission helping investors steer clear of Wall Street because I learned firsthand how the game was played after having worked in the industry.  Thereafter, I learned how the media helps Wall Street after I was black balled by all media in 2006 and thereafter for trying to warn main street about what would become an unprecedented financial crisis in 2008.  My mission has been to help investors become more knowledgeable and successful by providing cutting-edge investment research as well as top-notch educational content. I think I've done quite well in that regard.  As a part of this mission, I have also spent a great deal of time and effort exposing the criminal activities of the financial media, as it works with Wall Street to deceive and defraud main str......

Bill Miller's Top Crypto Investment in 2022: Silvergate Capital (SI)

Those who are unfamiliar with me can find out more about my credentials, my background, as well as my investment research track record here, here, and here. Examine Mike Stathis' unmatched track record of predicting the 2008 financial crisis, enabling investors to capture life-changing profits by checking here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perhaps you remember Bill Miller. From 1991 through 2005, Legg Mason’s Bill Miller was (allegedly) the only mutual fund manager to have beaten the S&P 500 Index each year for that 15-year period (allegedly).

"Watch TV, Make Money!" Who's REALLY Making Money? (Part 5)

Let me give you a brief example how the entire media industry partners with these masters of deception. On Sunday September 2008, the Washington Post published an op-ed by one of the biggest Wall Street hacks around, Don Luskin. I don’t want to subject you to the full extent of Luskin’s pseudo-intellectual babble, so I’ve deleted much of the article to spare you from further disgust. If you want to read the article in entirety, the link is posted. Let’s have a look…

Reminder about the Clowns Who Continue to Get Everything Wrong

Any guesses as to who I'm referring to?  Certainly there are hundreds of idiots and con men who fall into this category; namely the gold charlatans.  Here is a video that serves as a reminder of how clueless Peter Schiff, Marc Faber, Mike Maloney, Larry Kudlow, Ron Paul and Jim Rogers ARE, HAVE BEEN and CONTINUE TO BE. As a bonus, you will hear from a few spastic, brainless You Tube chumps and fellow gold charlatans.
