Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

EXPOSED: Agora Financial's Copyediting Doomsday Syndicate

Continued from EXPOSED: More Doomsday Charlatans (Agora Financial Pt 1)

Have you ever wondered why so many people lose money in the stock market?
Although investors are ultimately responsible for any bad investment decisions they have made, the financial media is the main cause of these losses for most people.
Others are led astray by huckster copyeditors who pitch greed, fear, easy profits and other luring traps.
But let's not forget that these con men have established strong, yet sometimes not so obvious business rellationships with the financial media. I'll get back to this point a bit later when I show you just one example; namely, how Mark Hulbert (Hulbret's Financial Digest) has partnered with MarketWatch to pitch a good deal of these copyediting con men to the naive MarketWatch audience.
While the financial media is responsible for misleading investors in a variety of ways, perhaps the largest source of damage caused by the media is also the least known. Here I am referring to the media's role in promoting risky, impulsive behaviors. This is a topic that I have discussed in the past and I will get back to in the future.
The financial media sure as hell doesn’t give a rat’s ass about you because you don’t pay the bills. Wall Street and related firms pay the bills of the media through advertisements.
And in order to charge top dollar for each ad spot, the media makes sure to confuse, distract, and delude its audience so that they trade more frequently which generates more commissions for brokers. 
But there is more to this secret.
Have you ever noticed that almost all of the so-called "experts" in the media happen to be Jewish?
The real question people should be asking is how the Jewish Mafia has been able to intimidate people from placing them under scrutiny. When one merely points to their control over the media, banking system, government or anything else, rather than looking into these claims, people have been programmed to shoot the messenger rather than address the allegations. This is an entirely different topic of discussion which I have addressed in part previously and will surely address in the future.
The Jewish Mafia also makes sure to specifically position Jewish individuals as experts in order to make sure the money goes from Gentile sheep to Jewish con men. Aside from the illegal nature of this scam, the fact that Jewish individuals are selected to participate over Gentiles represents discrimination. After all, there are plenty of Gentiles who are willing to screw the public as well. 
It's not sufficient to bring in money to the Jewish Mafia by deceiving investors. The Jewish Mafia wants to ensure that all of this money enters Jewish hands. No Gentiles are permitted to get in on the scam, unless of course the Gentile happens to be married to or in business with one or more Jewish individuals. As disgusting as this sounds, the sad reality is that it is true.
Of course, if you make this claim which I have veriified through years of research and observation, you will face mass criticism from a brainwshed public that for the most part has lost all control over its own thoughts.
You know you have a perfect Mafia crime system when you are able to convince the public that the critics who have exposed your crimes are the real bad people instead of you.
There's no short supply of Jewish con men and idiots ready, willing and able to steer the sheep into the hands of advertisers.    
After the deception campaign has unfolded, the sheep think they have been introduced to some investment "guru" or "legend" because they media has used all of the same tricks from Hollywood to create a fairy tale.
As a result, the sheep line up to buy books written by these con men (or so they clain they have written these books but they are usually ghost written), and send their money to them hoping to land big returns.
Why do you think so many people have bought completely useless books written by Peter Schiff, Jim Cramer, Jim Rickards and the rest of the Jewish media clowns?
The same reason why Terrell Owens "wrote" a book and people bought it. The public has become so dumbed down that they have lost the ability to scrutinize individuals. Things were quite different prior to the 1990s.
These sheep have been so brainwashed that they even give these useless books the highest ratings possible. If these books are useless, why do most of the readers think otherwise? Because they fail to recognize the psychological trick that has seized their mind. They have been sold by the author's "celebrity status" rather than the real value (or lack thereof) offered in these books. This is mind control as its best.
But how has the financial media been able to position guys like Peter Schiff and the other clowns positioned as credible experts to be taken seriously? They have used Hollywood tricks to transform financial media into entertainment rather than valuable content, largely without the knowledge of the audience.
At the end of the day, once the victims (those foolish enough to pay attention to the financial media) have lost a great deal of their investment capital, they run desperately into the arms of Wall Street and others who specialize in smoke-and-mirrors, not realizing that the reason why they have lost so much is because they paid attention to the criminal media.
This is the way the game has been designed. And everyone aligned on the side of the media wins. The problem is that the audience almost always loses.
Mutual Fund Disasters
Peter Schiff
Marc Faber
Jim Rogers

Jim Cramer

He's Back! Harry Dent the Clown Making More Ridiculous Predictions
A Look at Harry Dent's Track Record
Harry Dent the Fund Manager
Proof That Zero Hedge Cannot Be Trusted
Similar to the manner by which a comprehensive and effective controlled opposition scheme has been engineered, the Jewish Mafia's financial scam ensures that regardless when and where one turns, the Jewish Mafia will be there to take their money in one way, shape or form, without the knowledge of the sheep who get taken. This is why they keep coming back for more punishment.
We are talking about the entire financial media, from broadcast (television and radio) to print and internet.
Always remember that all ad-based content is designed to screw you because you aren’t the one paying the bills.


Gold Pumping Con Men

Harry Dent. Economist, Futurist & Contrarian Indicator


For several years now I have been exposing the tactics used by the financial media to deceive and defraud investors.

Today, I will focus on a different aspect of this deception. I will focus on the financial copyediting industry. It is one of the largest silent "killers" of wealth in the world today.

In the 27-minute video below, I go through a few of these deceitful publications and show you how easy it is to spot these clowns.

As I have previously mentioned, there are two global centers for the boiler room financial copy-editing industry.

I'm not refering to anything remotely connected to Wall Street. Although I have discussed on many occassions that Wall Street is filled will crooks, I can tell you that the guys in the copyediting industry are arguably much worse.
While Wall Street is clearly involved in mass securities fraud, the vast majority of which isn't even under the radar by regulators, at least Wall Street does SOME good and has SOME value (although we are talking a very small amount). In fact, there are SOME good financial advisers who are actually very concerned about their clients. These are advisers who truly feel bad when clients lose money.  
In contrast, the copyediting industry provides absolutely no value whatsoever to investors. And each and everyone of the scum bags who work in this industry is set on extracting as much money from their sheep as they can. They could care less how much money you lose by following them. The industry is specifically designed to completely fleece the sheep they lure.
I view the copyediting industry is a complete scam. It masquerades as providing “investment research” but in reality it employs con men, convicted criminals, washed up journalists, and all sorts of lunatics and sociopaths who work as copyeditors.
Their job description? Creating all kinds of manipulative, deceptive and luring marketing pieces to get you to part with your money for the hope of striking it big from their "amazing research."
One could use the countless examples of deception, spin and flat out lies costing millions of investors their life savings as an argument for revising America's Free Speech laws for claims made pertaining to innvestments.
The two capitals of this shady industry are located in West Palm Beach, Florida and Baltimore, Maryland.
The main firm in Baltimore is Agora Financial.Agora is the publisher of clowns like Porter Stansberry, Doug Casey, Harry Dent, Gary North and many others.
While West Palm is the home of an endless myriad of these copyediting firms, Baltimore is primarily dominated by Bill Bonner’s Agora Financial, which serves as the umbrella to dozens of shady publications.
You might recognize some of the scam companies that are also involved with Agora, such as Newsmax and Money Morning, the latter which has teamed up with charlatan Jim Rickards. 
*Note: this list of companies and publications owned by or in some partnership with Agora Financial is not complete. There are several others not listed here such as the Oxford Club (soon to be featured in an upcoming video), Harry Dent (previously exposed) and several others.   
West Palm Beach is also the penny stock promoting capital of the world. Make no mistake about it. Similar to West Palm Beach, the investment copyediting industry is very Jewish. Fringe elements of the Jewish Mafia control the entire industry.
You might recall our buddy Martin Weiss and his monkeys are located in West Palm Beach. I have previously exposed Weiss and I will be releasing an update on this crooked scum bag in the future. 
Of course there are many other places throughout the USA and rest of the world where these copyediting con men operate. But these are the top two areas in terms of numbers and shear horse shit being pumped out into Main Street.
Before I move on, I want you to understand that the financial media works closely with these copyediting shops to screw you.
You will find many of the con men that work for these shops aired as experts on CNBC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, Barron's, MarketWatch,  and so on.
You will see many of them with their own columns in MarketWatch, USA Today, the New York Times, the Economist, the Financial Times, CNBC, and so forth. These large media firms sell the boiler rooms email addresses and pesonal data of their patrns and vice versa.
A copyeditor is basically a charlatan that twists things, uses wording and phrases that affect the emotions of the reader and other tactics for the purpose of luring them into the web of dog shit they advertise as “research.”  
Many of these firms also engage in creating promotional events designed to make it appears if their writers, partners and others in their circle of deceit are relevant. 
As I previously mentioned, many of these firms are also involved in penny stock promotions, front running, insider trading and ripping off their subscribers.
These firms engage in so many acts of securities fraud and usually get away with it because their victims do not even realize the fraud is going on. That's part of the beuaty of defrauding naive, unsophisticated investors. It's difficulty to get caught because your victims aren't experienced at spotting securities fraud.
As one example, we point to the case of Porter Stansberry, who commited securities fraud and was sued by the SEC. He was also involved in deceptive marketing practices with his "End of America" bull shit videos.
Folks, the links between the media and chalrtans they position as experts don't end. You can't make this shit up. We haven't even mentioned CNBC, Reuters, Weiss, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, Barron's. The bull shit goes on and on.
Here is the secret no one is talking about. The financial media is designed to screw you because they see it as a war between those who pay for advertisements (Wall Street, online brokers, discount brokers, mutual fund companies, insurance companies and precious metals dealers) versus you, the audience.
Now who do you suppose the financial media is aligned with?
The following represents just one of numerous examples showing you how the criminal media has partnered with scum bags.Mark Hulbert purchased a "newsletter ratings" publishing service from Agora Financial. 
Hulbert pays MarketWatch (either directly or in the form of ad dollars) to have a column in MarketWatch. This is how he advertises for his useless service which includes a huge list of charlatans.
In the manner, the sheep who waste time on MarketWatch think that Hulbert's service is a valuable investment resource.
The problem is that a ratings system has to be run by intelligent competant individuals AND the items to be rated need to be worth a damn. If the items rated are dog shit OR the individuals making the ratings are morons, the service will be useless. I can't speak for the individuals making the ratings but I do know that the newsletters being rated are dog shit.
[Not shown below is the association of Jim Rickards with Agora via Money Morning (also not shown), as well as Porter Stansberry and Harry Dent. It appears that Peter Schiff also has established some sort of indirect business arrangements with Agora]

Below Mike has released Chapter 12 of his own 2007 book showing that he was the only one to not only have predicted the financial crisis, but also showed specific ways to land huge profits.


Check here to download Chapter 12 of Cashing in on the Real Estate Bubble.


The Jewish media crime bosses prefer to simply ignore those who speak the truth and threaten to expose them as the best way to hide the scams from the public.

In contrast, the Jewish media crime bosses continuously promote Jewish con men and clowns who have terrible track records as a way to enrich them all while steering the audience to their sponsors, most of which are Jewish Wall Street and related firms. Figure it out folks. It's not rocket science.


View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, herehere, here, here, here and here.



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Mike Stathis holds the best investment forecasting track record in the world since 2006.

View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, herehere, here, here, here and here.


Check here to download Chapter 12 of Cashing in on the Real Estate Bubble.

This is the chapter that shows where Mike recommended shorting Fannie, Freddie, sub-primes, homebuilders, GM, GE, etc.




So why does the media continue to BAN Stathis? 


Why does the media constantly air con men who have lousy track records?

These are critical questions to be answered.

You need to confront the media with these questions. 

Watch the following videos and you will learn the answer to these questions:

You Will Lose Your Ass If You Listen To The Media









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