Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

E.B. Tucker is on the Board of a Climate Change Company But He Thinks Climate Change is a Hoax

Although Tucker continues to pump gold and remains directly involved with junior miners (royalty trusts) he's now focusing his attention on the latest craze...the business of climate change and carbon neutrality. 

That makes sense given that con artists always like to move into the latest fads because it means there's more money to go around and more suckers to dup. 

Specifically, Tucker is involved with a private firm based in Canada called Carbon Neutral Royalty. This company appears to be doing the same kinds of deals as the other royalty companies Tucker is involved with. That is, CNR is trying to lure suckers to invest in very risky private placements and warrants.  But the company tries to portray these investments as low-risk. 

Note that Casey Research and most likely Stansberry Research have a long history of pitching this garbage to their sucker subscribers.  

I'm confident Tucker learned the game of pitching wild narratives to suckers in order to sell high-risk private placements from Stansberry and Casey Research. 

Private placements and warrants solicited by companies run by copyrighting clowns should be expected to become worthless, but only after the pitch men have taken their huge commissions. 

Overall verdict: E.B. Tucker has no real credentials nor experience other than in shenanigans. He's achieved nothing of value and has not accomplished anything of any substance. The fact that he worked at copywriting firms that mascarade themselves as investment "research" firms is enough for me to conclude he's a scam artist.

Let's not forget that Tucker has a long history of working with shady people and shady companies. I wouldn't trust anything that comes out of this guy's mouth. 

And he is promoting narratives that are either ridiculous or have no bearing on retail investors in order to make the investments/companies he is involved with seem like a great opportunity for retail investors.  Don't be fooled by this con man. 

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