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Fake Investment Guru Kevin O'Leary Proves He's an Investment Idiot, Con Man and Scam Artist

Make no mistake about it. Kevin O'Leary is a typical Jewish con artist and media whore who makes all of his money based on false perception compliments of his tribesmen in the media. 

Is that a fraudulent business model? I believe it is.  

In reality, O'Leary is a business and investment failure. But thanks to the Jewish media which has created this myth that he's some business and investment guru, he's a very wealthy man. 

Similar to all media celebrities, O'Leary has made all of his money by deception compliments of the criminally insane Jewish media.

These media parasites have created a false narrative that O'Leary is some kind of business and investment guru so that people will line up to hear what he has to say.  And he uses this large audience of suckers to pitch all kinds of trash, from cryptocurrencies and NFTs, to businesses he has no clue about and even his overpriced ETFs.  

It's difficult to fathom how any sane adult with an IQ over 90 would bother to listen to a man who spends most of his time in the media. 

Successful business and investment leaders aren't wasting their time in the media. Con artists and frauds are.  

Successful business and investment leaders are spending their time running their business and undertaking investment duties. 

O'Leary operates by the same M.O. used by Peter Schiff (I have published over 100 articles and videos exposing Schiff), Jim Rogers, Marc Faber, Harry Dent, Jim Rickards, Robert Kiyosaki and so know...the fear-mongering media charlatans who blow smoke instead of produce results. 

The media also cashes in on this scam by selling ads to countless dummies who waste their time listening to O'Leary and/or by reading one of the many articles he pays people to write for him. 

I've been exposing this media scam for well over a decade. And if you don't understand it, I will guarantee you are going to get creamed your entire life. 

It's not a coincidence that every "expert" on Shark Tank is Jewish except of course for the Black token.

If you know anything about the Jewish media, then you know they are hell bent on promoting Blacks over Whites in order to displace Whites from society.   

I won't get into the details here, but I have previously discussed how and why the Jewish mafia has been behind racial tensions in the US, as well as feminism, open borders, multiculturalism, free trade, the woke movement, political correctness, the "hate" designation, BLM and much more. 

And we all know the Jewish mafia controls the media and financial system.  

Quite simply, Jews know they can more easily defraud and control populations if the White man has been marginalized. This is precisely why you see endless societal issues in the western world today. 

Now, back to Jewish con man, Kevin O'Leary. First, this fake investment guru leveraged his media celebrity to launch a mutual fund company several years ago, which failed.   

How one can fail at anything aimed at the retail market when you have been positioned as some investment guru by the Jewish media is a mystery to me. 

I'd say it just shows how much of a loser O'Leary is. 

Next, O'Leary again levered his media celebrity status to launch an ETF company. 

Incidentally, I just discovered some really weird things about his ETFs which I will discuss in an upcoming video. 

With his presence on the scam fiction TV show, Shark Tank, along with constant promotion by the criminally insane Jewish media, it's not difficult to see how gullible people would line up to invest in his terrible and very costly ETFs.

A few years ago I discussed O'Leary's move to lure suckers into his terrible funds using his media celebrity status. 


This is the same filthy parasite who held out his grubby hands asking $1,500 to give any business a "shoutout" which amounted to an endorsement. 

Clearly, O'Leary does no due diligence on these businesses. He's ready to leverage his media celebrity status to promote what could be a scam business.  

He would later expand this scam to promoting NFTs and NFT companies for $1,500.   

But O'Leary went really big when he began endorsing cryptocurrencies. He didn't need to conduct due diligence on any of these companies because he knew damn well they're scams.   

You might recall what O'Leary had to say about cryptocurrencies a few years ago.  Right about when Bitcoin was selling for $8,000, O'Leary called all cryptocurrencies "garbage."   

As we know, O'Leary would go one to become a huge promotor of cryptocurrencies and crypto exchanges like FTX.  

So why did O'Leary call all cryptos garbage?  Was it because he's an honest guy?

And why did he drastically change his mind a couple of years later when he began promoting them?

In order to find out the answer to these questions, you need to think like a money worshipping con man. 

Here's a hint. Remember that O'Leary launched several ETFs right around the time he was calling cryptocurrencies garbage. 

That's right. O'Leary was trying to use his media celebrity status to steer people into his overpriced ETFs instead of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.  

Note in the video below how O'Leary calls cryptos a scam. That was in 2019. 

But O'Leary has recently been claiming that he was "investing" in cryptos since 2017. Other times he claims he began in 2018.

The point is that O'Leary is lying about when he changed his mind because he doesn't want people to see that the only reason he changed his mind was because he was paid tens of millions of dollars by FTX in 2020 and 2021 to rpomote that scam. 


After the crypto Ponzi scheme took off sucking the masses into the feeding frenzy, O'Leary realized he could make a fortune using his TV celebrity status to land huge endorsement deals from various crypto scams and NFTs. 

He also realized he could buy into cryptos and help pump the price up using his clout and a TV celebrity. 


Imagine how many people were enocuraged to put their money into one or more crypto scams after O 'Leary was constantly pumping them.

After all, O'Leary was telling the public he was investing in cryptos instead of telling them he was making up to $100 million to endorse these scams. 

And many people actually believe that he's wealthy because they think he's a talented businessman and investor.

Once again, the reality is that O'Leary has made all of his money through perception. He's actually a business and investment failure, similar to the other parasites in the media club. 

Even after many crypto scams went bust, O'Leary was still promoting cryptocurrencies because he had become a paid whore for these scams. 

He didn't care that millions of people stood to lose their life savings. All he cared about was the tens of millions of dollars he was being paid to promote Ponzi schemes. 

And then in May 2022, O'Leary doubled down on cryptos after several coins and exchanges collapsed. 

Even after the FTX scam was exposed, O'Leary is still trying to justify being a paid whore for FTX.

Similar to all of these parasites, O' Leary will do anything for money. 

He is a disgusting con man and fraudster. And in my opinion, he belongs in prison.  

I'd like to see Kevin O'Leary rot in a dirty rat infested prison cell. But he will never spend a day in jail. He will keep conning people because he's protected by his tribesmen in the Jewish mafia. 

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