Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Lost Audios: Follow Up on Puerto Rico Peter Schiff Propaganda (Jan 16 2019)

First, I've added some annotated images (below) to refresh your memory regarding the campaign spearheaded by the "Three Stooges of Doom" whose objective was to extract money from naive suckers by pitching Puerto Rico as a place for Americans to relocate to.

As you might already know, Puerto Rico filed for bankruptcy a year or two after these clowns launched their campaign to profit by peddling terrible advice.  

Update: We have confirmed that the illiterate con artist Mike Maloney is in fact Jewish.

How many precious metals pumpers can you name that aren't Jewish?  One? Maybe two?

Now perform some simple math.

Calculate the number of precious metals pumpers who are Jewish and compare that to the representation of Jews in the general population and tell me what you get.

Another scam controlled by the Jewish mafia.

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