Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Mike Shows How Gold Pumpers Have Screwed Those Who Fell for Their Lies

For more than a decade I have published hundreds of articles, audios and videos exposing myths, lies and fake news from gold pumping broken clocks (see below at the end of this entry for a sampling of these publications). 

I have also exposed their low-level tactics which have been designed to establish and maintain cults of suckers which are used by the cult leaders as ATM machines based on lies, exaggerations, and emotional extortion.

It is a fact that every single gold pumping kingpin fears me, Mike Stathis for four basic reasons.

   1. I cannot be bought off.

   2. I have world-class credibility in the investment world.

   3, I know the reality.

   4. I speak the truth. 

None of these kingpins (kingpins who have suckered millions of people; not low-level minions looking for attention) would ever dare to go up against me on a neutral platform because they know I would expose their lies and myths. And that would reveal them as the liars and frauds that they are.

If you doubt this claim, I urge you to contact all of the gold pumping kingpins and request that they meet with me on a neutral platform to address my criticisms regarding their propaganda on gold, inflation, the economy and the stock market. 

I'll guarantee you they will NOT agree to do so. 

Their most likely response will be "who is he" to imply that I am a “nobody” so they wouldn’t “waste their time” with me.  

This is the typical response taken by frauds and cowards. They use it because they think it allows them to walk away from such a challenge. I will guarantee you every single gold pumping king pin knows who I am.  

If they claim that they don’t you can steer them to my track record.

And even though the $1 million guarantee has expired (see here and here) I want to give the kingpins all the reason in the world to confront me as I debunk their claims.

Accordingly, you can let each of them know that I will extend this challenge to any kingpin who agrees to meet me on a neutral platform to address their claims about gold, inflation, the economy and the stock market (effective immediately through the next 12 months). 

Any and all kingpins who think they know of anyone who can find someone with a better track record than me should contact us for more details on this challenge. 

If you don't know who these kingpins are, you can get a good idea by checking publications on this site.  

Several years ago, I exposed the dark secret these frauds don't want you to know. You see, as long as they can keep their cult members fooled, they will continue to take their money. 

The worst thing they could ever do is to expose their cult to a credible, unbiased analyst. 

Now imagine the negative impact on their ability to extract money from their cult members if this analyst also held the leading investment analysis and forecasting track record in the world. Allowing such a meeting would rain on their parade of easy money. 

The gold-pumping cults are generally run in the same manner as most cults. I've already explained this mechanism countless times in the past. But in case you weren't around, I'll tell you that Scientology operates in a similar (although more elaborate) manner.  

Below are links to a two-part video presentation where I present an informal discussion on gold, inflation, and the stock market.

As you will see, I was quite distracted during my walk around the city. But still, I think I was able to make my point while navigating the hectic streets of Saigon.

I want to encourage everyone to spread the link to this post relentlessly so that the truth about the gold fraudsters and their lies becomes known.  

NOTE: I said spread the link, not illegally copy my video and use it for your own content. Use of any content from this website requires prior written authorization which can be withdrawn at anytime for any reason. 

Part 1

Part 2

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