Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Peter Schiff's Terrible Track Record Exposed by the World's Top Investment Analyst

Mike's videos exposing the gang of fear mongering, doomsday con artists are legendary.

No one else in the world was making these types of videos several years ago.

Even today there is no one else who is ready, willing, or able to make these kinds of videos.

Even if there were capable individuals, they aren't willing to do this kind of work because everyone focuses on what's in it for them.  

Mike Stathis was the only person in the world who devoted thousands of hours to expose this gang of doomsday douche bags through countless videos and articles.

And he did this work for free. 

Nothing was in it for him.  

He sacrificed huge sums of money that he could have otherwise earned if he had spent the time he devoted to exposing charlatans on his business.  

You aren't likely to find a person as selfless as Mike in this regard. 

Aside from his truly remarkable investment insights, what sets Mike apart from most everyone else is that he was driven to help main street. 

The fact is that if you listened to the gold and silver pumping doomsday douche bags, you lost your ass. 

You missed out on the longest bull market in stocks in history.

Millions of investors have made vast fortunes in just a few years by investing in the stock market.

The following video was first published in 2016. 

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