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Brazil's Next President Is Jewish And Why It Matters

This article is followed by an audio presentation below which includes a discussion on speculate trading opportunities in Brazilian stocks.

Although the final installment of Brazil's highly anticipated presidential elections are still a couple of weeks away, the presidential showdown features two Jewish Brazilians.

First, we have the far-right leaning front runner, Jair Bolsonaro who has been likened to the "Donald Trump of Brazil" as a result of some of the comments he has made about females, rape, and his pseudo-patriotic "Brazil first" speeches. 

Similar to Trump, Bolsonaro plans to hand the nation's financial and economic decisions over to his Jewish economic adviser, Paulo Guedes who is now being investigated for mismanagement of one of Brazil's public pension plans. 

Trailing in the polls by a very large margin is the Jewish left-leaning candidate, Fernando Haddad who promises to keep Brazil's assets out of reach of the private markets. 

Regardless who wins, Jewish interests will remain at the forefront of Brazilian politics because Brazil will continue its tradition of electing a Jewish president most likely without the knowledge of the Brazilian people. And if Wall Street gets its way (and it usually does) Bolsonaro will become Brazil's next president.  

Jewish control over Brazilian politics, economics and finance has been prevalent on for many decades. All one has to do in order to confirm this is to check into the backgrounds of the current and former economic and finance ministers of the Brazilian government. And while you're at it you might want to take a close look at the top men (past and present) running Brazili's central bank. 

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