Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Golden Dreams & Delusions: The Story about Gold You Haven't Heard (PART 2)

Continuing from Part 1

Why I Became Cautious on Gold

Over the past couple of years as gold pricing soared, I began turning much more cautious as I recognized the increasing wave of manipulation that was building.

This type of manipulation in gold pricing is not something you are likely to hear about other than the times I have discussed it.

In fact, when the topic of gold manipulation arises, gold bugs and other charlatans speak of manipulation by Wall Street and central banks. This is just one excuse they make when gold pricing stalls or sells off.

What they fail to recognize is that the manipulation of gold pricing by central banks (notably the Federal Reserve and Bank of England) occurs so regularly that it has become an accepted component of gold price volatility. 

They always have an excuse to explain why gold hasn’t soared to $5000 yet. The problem is these excuses are always inaccurate.

Aren’t some of you out there wondering why, with Europe getting flushed down the toilet, gold has barely moved?
The snake oil salesmen are always prepared to spin any line you feed them.
For instance, I can already hear them preaching to their prey…“well, gold hasn’t gone up because it’s tied to the dollar and the dollar has gone up.”

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