Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Michael Pento Scares Investors Out of Longest Bull Market in History

Were you scared out of the stock market over the past several years as a result of something you read or heard from one or more fear-mongering clowns?   

You know who many of these fear mongering clowns are. They're the guys who have been preaching doom and gloom for years.

And I'm willing to bet they'll be preaching the same bull shit until the day they die. 

How can I be so sure of this? 

Because doom and gloom is their sales pitch. They're in the (shady and arguably illegal) business of sales based on manipulation of your emotions using lies, exaggerations and many tactics too lengthy to mention here. 

People who paint a never changing narrative are far from credible. And they certainly aren't analysts. They're shifty hucksters seeking to prey off your fear and anxiety; fear and anxiety that they've injected into your mind. 

And once you've accepted this narrative, it's extremely difficult to break away from the web of deceit and mind control.  If you've fallen for the fear mongering narrative or any other theme based on sketchy claims, I have some bad news for you. You're in a cult.  The man made Climate Change narrative is another example of a cult. 

So why do some people pursue this route of creating a business out of fear and doom? 

Because they're dishonest, greedy, disgusting, money-grubbing SOBs. And they worship money so much that they have no regard for those they fleece and the lives they destroy.

These scum bags are the same people who preach unfettered capitalism as the best approach, but only because it means fewer options for legal recourse once they've scammed you. 

So if you've been fooled by their libertarian "get the government out of our lives" rants, you've been fooled again. 

At the end of the day most of these fear mongering hucksters are committing fraud because they're earning an income based on lies. 

Okay I get it. At the time you didn't realize they were clowns and cons looking to deceive and swindle you. Fair enough, but only up until a certain point.

If however by 2013 you were still stuck in this mind control cult of fear mongering charlatans, all I can say is God help you.

Hopefully by now you've been able to wake up. I like to think that my work exposing this huge racket has helped a good number of people wake up. I've sacrificed a huge loss in income as a result of this mission to expose these scam artists. But I've done so because it's something that needs to be exposed since so many people are being conned and steered into the gutter. 

My mission to expose these shysters is very much related to my overall objective to help average people become much better investors. And the process all starts with exposing the media, as well as the fear mongering hucksters.  

Let's get back to the main point. 

The bottom line is that you need to look at reality. The US stock market continues to enjoy its longest bull run in history.

But have you benefited from this historic run?

I know my research clients have because I've kept them in this bull market ever since having called the exact bottom on March 10, 2009. 

As well, I have helped my research clients navigate nearly all of the market selloffs and corrections since 2009, adding even more to their gains. 

Take a look at my track record and see for yourself.  [1][2][3][4]  

I state this not to boast. I only state these verifiable facts in order to give you some perspective as to what's going on so you will realize that the media is gaming you.

Imagine someone with my track record being black-balled by the media, while fear mongering con artists with terrible track records continue to be positioned as "experts" by the media.

Once you realize that this is in fact what's been going on, you'll begin to see things much differently. At that point you will at least know how not to proceed if you want to become a successful investor. 

Perhaps you have stayed out of the stock market as a result of so many of the media's "experts" who have been warning about hyperinflation, a dollar collapse, a stock market collapse year after year, while telling you lies such as gold is money and doing everything they can to get you to buy gold and silver.

I could rattle off a very long list of names of people who have been making these claims year after year. Here I'm going to focus on Michael Pento. 

You know folks, I find it really ironic as well as hilarious that the same clowns and charlatans who claim "fiat currencies" are "worthless" are also willing to exchange their gold and silver for your "worthless fiat currency."

If you feel for this scam I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you, but you've been had. 

Keep in mind that if guys like Michael Pento were not provided with constant media exposure, the masses would have never been exposed to their nonsense. Hence, the masses would have most likely stayed in the stock market, enjoying this great bull market run.  

Instead, most people have been scared of the longest bull market in stocks in US history. 

If you are one of these individuals you have the media to blame. You should this criminal enterprise knows how you feel. 

So let's take listen to what Michael Pento was saying back in 2010, the year the video below was recorded.

As you listen to the video I want you to focus on his fear mongering lines.

And I want you to think about the entire crew of fear mongering clowns (Peter Schiff, Jim Rogers, Marc Faber, Jim Rickards, Harry Dent, etc.) who are promoted by the media as experts on a daily basis and have been for decades.

As you can imagine, Pento has continued to sing the same tune ever since then as of the date of publication of this article. But he has a slight twist to his fear mongering narrative.

You see, Pento wants you to send him your money to "invest" with him based on his ridiculous ideas and misguided approach. 

Now I can't speak as to what kind of investments Pento is putting his clients' money into currently (if he even has any clients) because I haven't seen or heard anything. But I did see what he was investing in a couple of years ago.   I'll let the image below do some of the talking. 

I can't imagine his allocation would differ much from 2012 considering he's still singing the same lines.

Now if you check the performance of the sectors he was invested in since then you can see it was terrible.

But it gets worse. You'll notice he has a large stake in the Energy ETF, USO. This is really funny because on many occasions I've actually pointed out in Boot Camp and other webinars how you will never make any money with USO unless you're day trading it.  And I'm willing to bet Pento isn't day trading USO or anything else.  I have to assume that Pento has no idea how USO works because if he did he wouldn't own it.   

I could go on to pick his terrible portfolio apart starting with his gold and materials holdings but I don't want to distract too much from the main point of this article. The last point I'll mention is that you'll note that Pento has a holding of large cap dividend stocks.

But Pento, I thought the US economy was fake and being propped up by money printing from the Fed and it's all going to come tumbling down, right? Isn't that what you've been saying over the years?

So why are you buying stocks? Maybe it's because your real objective is to get paid. And your fear mongering rants are just smoke and mirrors nonsense designed to reel in suckers. 

Folks, if you examine Pento's rants over the years, it's clear to me he's guilty of bait and switch. That is, he constantly rails against the US dollar emphasizing how it's going to collapse and how you need to stay away from dollar-denominated assets based on all kinds of conspiracy horse shit. But once he hooks you he convinces you to invest in fiat based assets!  Wow. Amazing!! 

Another point of interest is that although Pento refers to himself a "chief strategist" in the video, I know that Pento had previously been referred to as the "chief economist" for Delta Global Advisers.

I suppose when you have an investment management firm with only three employees (including the IT person) you need to wear a lot of hats. But Delta Global claimed to have more than $1 billion under management so you'd think the firm would have a few hundred employees.

Back around 2010 I was personally told by an employee of the firm that they had $3 billion under management, which I immediately realized was bull crap.

What's important here is that irrespective of whether Pento was serving as the chief economist or chief market strategist for Delta Global, the fact is that he was a key employee of the firm during the period when the firm claimed inflated AUM numbers in addition to other violations of securities laws. And he was one of only three total employees of the firm. So how is it that he did not know Hanlon was pulling a fast one on the public?   

As a result of the lies and other transgressions committed by Delta Global Advisers, the firm was shut down a few years ago and the CEO, Chip Hanlon was barred from the securities industry by the SEC.

Although Pento was never charged with any wrong doing, I cannot see how it's possible he didn't know what was going on. 

After all, he was the firm's chief economist. So how did a chief economist not even realize his own firm was committing the most basic and obvious level of fraud? 

This might explain why Pento ran off to work for Peter Schiff at his firm, Euro Pacific Capital as a salesman for his newly launched mutual funds right around the time Delta Global was shut down.   

I suppose anyone can refer to themselves as an economist or even chief economist. But based on the ridiculous and inaccurate statements that have come out of Pento's mouth, it's clear that he doesn't really understand economics. He does however understand fear mongering conspiracy nonsense and how to market it. 

Given Pento's repetitive fear-mongering rants one would have assumed him to be a great fit at Schiff's brokerage operation, but this was not the case. Apparently something went very wrong not long after Pento joined Euro Pacific.

In less than a year after joining Schiff at Euro Pacific, Pento was gone.  

There was no announcement from either Pento or Schiff explaining the departure. Very odd indeed, especially considering that Pento was a huge Schiff lackey and sycophant. 

Perhaps Schiff fired Pento because he did not want to risk potential problems that may have materialized by having an employee at his firm that had been previously connected to a fraudulent investment firm.

This could very well be the reason for Pento's silent departure, especially given the fact that the CEO of Delta Global who was charged with fraud, Chip Hanlon was previously the COO at Euro Pacific Capital! 

As many long time readers will recall, I was the first person to have exposed the Schiff-Pento-Hanlon connection several years ago. But it seems as if no one else has since mentioned this connection.  

Folks, if you really think all of these connections I've been pointing out over the years are a coincidence, I'd say you're not too bright.

Remember, you are judged by the company you keep. As I've previously pointed out, there have been several former employees of Schiff's firm that have gone on to commit securities fraud in addition to Hanlon. 

My guess is that Pento realized he would never be able to so much as land a stock broker job after the Delta Global fiasco, so he decided to open his own RIA firm from his house offering to manage client assets.   

As I've stated many times in the past, ANYONE can become an RIA. There are absolutely NO hurdles to receive this flimsy designation. At least Wall Street puts up a few barriers when screening for financial advisers.  

So just how incompetent is Pento?

Well, considering he claims to be an economist yet doesn't even understand how the yield curve works, I'd say he's about as incompetent as they come (see the video below). 

For example, Pento keeps insisting that when the Treasury bond yield curve inverts the inversion sets a wave of events in motion resulting in a recession!

That's right. He actually thinks that inversion of the yield curve causes a a problem within the financial industry which leads to a recession!! WOW.  

What I'm wondering is how a guy who constantly preaches about US assets being trash and so forth can claim to be a legit investment adviser.  Michael Pento, Another Gold Pumping Doomsday Clown

How can Pento claim to be managing money when he has gone on record claiming that fiat currencies have no value?  Is he so foolish that he fails to realize that stocks and bonds are based on fiat currencies? 

Remember that similar to Schiff, Pento has been fear mongering over hyperinflation and a dollar collapse since 2010. He's also been fear mongering over a bond collapse since at least 2012.

And of course he's also been a loyal gold pumper throughout that time as well.

You see, pumping gold can land you a large customer base of fools when you're been promoted by the gold charlatan syndicate. 

In my opinion, one would have to be mentally ill or a deranged nut to hand money over to a man who has been preaching doom since 2009, especially given that he was nowhere to be found when it came to predicting the financial crisis.

This is a man who has been fear mongering nonsense constantly. And if you were unfortunate enough to have listened to Pento, you probably missed out on the longest bull market in US history.

Good luck trying to get that opportunity back. 

Similar to just about every single clown that gets hyped up by the media, Michael Pento is Jewish. And that's specifically why he received extensive media exposure prior to his firm being shut down by the SEC. Think about that.  

I have eleven additional images like the one above illustrating how often Pento was featured in the financial media as one of its "experts." This all came to an end once his firm Delta Global was exposed as a fraud and shut down by securities regulators.  

Amazingly, today Pento continues to claim that Delta Global was a legit firm (notice his play on words to avoid claiming Delta Global had $3 billion in assets under management).  Delta Global was a complete fraud led by a three-man team of clowns, one of which was Pento. And it was shut down for lying about its AUM. 

If Pento would have been barred from the securities industry like Hanlon, he wouldn't be able to mislead people with his nonsense. 

You need to ask yourself why the media isn't disclosing these very critical facts about these Pento, Schiff, Hanlon and the rest of the clowns they position as experts. 

As I have discussed in the past, if you spend the necessary time doing the proper research you're going to discover that nearly every clown positioned in the media as a financial expert is Jewish, has a very shady past and a terrible track record.  

It's by no means a coincidence that just about every single one of the media's so-called "experts" is Jewish. All intelligent people realize that Jews run the entire media-entertainment industry (along with Wall Street and banking, the legal system and much more).

The big problem with control over industry by Jews is that they are focused on promoting their own kind regardless of merit. Think carefully about this reality. This is blatant discrimination by the Jewish mafia, and it remains as a huge problem.  If you open your eyes you will see it just about everywhere.  

Always remember that you always lose if you pay attention to the media.

The Jewish mafia controls the media. The fact is that the media is a criminal organization that seeks to rip you off and steer you into the gutter. 

This gang of criminals is most concerned with fleecing its audience by steering them into the gutter compliments of the media’s so-called experts, nearly all of which happen to be Jewish and nearly all of which happen to be wrong the majority of time.

And because corporations ultimately serve as a primary means of funding for media, the media and corporate giants are waging a war of deceit, lies and fraud against you the investor and consumer.

And if you think the so-called "alternative media" is exempt from this scam, you are sadly mistaken. The "alternative media" is much worse than the so-called "mainstream media."

At the end of the day, all media is run by Jewish bigots and racists. This includes the "alternative media." 

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