Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Mike Stathis Explains How the Financial Media Scams its Audience

Like all of the other "experts" promoted by the financial media (e.g. Peter Schiff, Jim Rogers, etc.) Jon and Pete Najarian spend most of their time in media-related and marketing activities. By definition alone, this makes them media personalities and marketing hacks, as opposed to true trading or investment experts.

Legit trading and investment experts spend the majority of their time analyzing trades and investments in order to produce valuable analyses and performance.

When you are spending most of your time in media talking about trading or investing, that makes you TV personality.

There's no way a TV personality can legitimately claim to be a trading or investment expert.  It's a scam designed to herd sheep into the slaughterhouse.

Three of the four participants in this scam orchestrated by the financial media make out big because they're involved in the same scam.

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