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Jamie Foxx Gets Cheered When He Talks About Killing White People. Origins of White Hate

The fact of the matter is that Jamie Foxx is similar to just about every single black person who has ever held a role in Hollywood. He lacks talent. And he certainly wasn't recruited into Hollywood due to his looks.

Foxx was inducted into the Hollywood mind control cult in order to fulfill the Jewish Hollywood agenda of displacing white role models with black characters that share little with black people in the real world. 

Imagine if a white man talked about a movie whereby he gets "to kill all of the blacks."

First you would not hear the fake cheers as you heard when Foxx boasted about getting to kill all of the whites.

Next, the white man who proudly boosted about killing all of the blacks in the movie would be called racist, the movie would be banned and he would be cast aside by Hollywood, unable to work again. 

I hope people are beginning to see what's going on. Similar to all blacks in the entertainment business, Foxx has been instructed by his racist Jewish handlers to use every opportunity he can find to demonize whites and express hatred towards them while pretending he's joking. This is the kind of BS manipulation that has fueled the Jewish-led anti-White movement. 

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