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The Truth About Chris Martenson Keeps Getting Uglier by the Day

A few years ago I characterized Chris Martenson as a very deceptive predator who was ready to do anything in order to line his pockets from as many sheep as possible by spreading fear-mongering disinformation. See here

In the 100-page article exposing Martenson I also pointed to bogus claims he made in order to boost his stature and credibility. 

In case you don't know anything about Chris Martenson, he's one of those guys who has been warning of a bubble in the stock market, real estate market, and just about everything else you can think of (except gold and silver) since 2011 as a part of his fear-mongering pitch designed to lure naive people as well as nut jobs into his unethical business of selling "fear porn," while directing these victims to service providers (mainly precious metals dealers) for which he is compensated.  

Those who have some common sense can spot snake oil salesmen from a mile away. 

Sometimes they're introduced by a paid hack as a "millionaire."

Other times they use even more superficial and often exaggerated accomplishments intended to convince a naive audience that they're "smart, successful and wealthy."

And they want to show you how to become "successful and wealthy" too...all for a small fee.

Don't worry though because "you don't have to be smart or rich" in order to become successful like these gurus. And "you don't have to put much effort into it" either.     

All you have to do is send these "gurus" your hard-earned money and they are going to show you the easy road to riches. 

The typical audience that's fooled by these lines is comprised largely of unsophisticated, naive, greedy, and/or desperate individuals. 

But it's not only the unsophisticated and naive who fall for con artists. Make no mistake about it. A skilled con artist is able to fool some fairly intelligent people as well. 

How can this be possible?

The answer is simple. There are other forms of intelligence that aren't measured by exams or IQ tests. Some might refer to this type of intelligence as "street smarts" or "instinct."

Others might even attribute it to good old fashioned "common sense." 

But there's also emotional intelligence which is often devoid of logical thinking. 

Regardless whether we are talking about naive or intelligent individuals, con artists seek to exploit those who are in need, or those infected by greed.

All of this brings me to the case of Chris Martenson.

Martenson's pitch isn't so different from the standard lines from the biggest hucksters in the world. He adds to this carefully crafted pitch by maintaining a calm, genuine sounding demeanor because people tend to trust this kind of person, so they aren't likely to doubt anything they say. 

Most people instinctively although foolishly gauge a person's trustworthiness and credibility by making superficial judgments about their character based on unreliable signals. Quite simply, most people judge a person's character based on their demeanor, or how they come across to others. 

You see, when you don't know a person well most people tend to assess one's character based on mannerisms, such as certain types of body language, as well as having a calm demeanor.

Con artists know this, and that's specifically why most of them focus on being seen as "nice guys." They realize that the more likeable they are, the more suckers will be fooled by their con. 

After all, "nice people" seem more trustworthy and legitimate, right?

Martenson also tries to create instant credibility by referring to himself as "Dr." Martenson so his prospective sheep will assume he's educated and wise and thus trustworthy and credible. 

I don't know about you, but the only times I've run across a person with a PhD degree who uses it as a title has always been either insecure or else trying to con people.

The rare instances I've seen a PhD refer to himself as a "Dr." has always been in order to raise his sense of self-importance in order to carry out the con. 

The remainder of this article can only be accessed by Members and Research Clients. 

Some additional articles exposing Chris Martenson

Climate Change Cult Leader Chris Martenson is Creating Coronavirus Fake News

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Con That Fooled the World

Malthusian Cult Leader Chris Martenson Exposed as Huge Liar

Adam Taggart Makes Ridiculous Claims to Lure Suckers

Chris Martenson Exposed (Video)

EXPOSED: Chris Martenson

Pseudo-intellectual BS Artist Chris Martenson Teams Up With Huckster Robert Kiyosaki

Clueless Chris Martenson is Selling Fear (Part 1)

Clueless Chris Martenson is Selling Fear (Part 2)

Snake Oil Alert: Chris Martenson and Zero Hedge

Simon Black (Sovereign Man): Another Fear-Mongering Charlatan Exposed

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