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Zero Hedge is a Fake News Blog Featuring Jewish Charlatans (90pp ebook)

This investigation and work required to write the 90-page publication below (only the introduction is available to the general public) took several years of hard work.

We believe this article alone is worth the price of an annual membership to our website because the education provided can save you from losing huge amounts of money once you understand who is lying to you and how they go about their methods. 

If you want to remain clueless and constantly taken by the various con artists and media scams out there, simply do not elect to become a member of our website. 

Website membership provides an enormous volume of additional articles, audios and videos. Membership Resources

If you want to remain in the dark constantly following con artists and idiots, it's easy. Don't become a member of our website.

If you want to gain the knowledge and insights of one of the world's leading investment minds you should become a member today.

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The following is an introduction to this 90-page ebook exposing the Zero Hedge liars and scam artists. 

If for some reason you become bored and have nothing better to do and you want to laugh your ass off, you might consider visiting one or more of the virtually endless websites that preach borderline insane claims about how everything is fake, controlled, doomed, etc.

Don't laugh because this type of mental illness is growing by the day.  And we shouldn't laugh at those afflicted with mental illness. 

Fortunately for those interested in seeing how these deranged, low-IQ, conspiracy cult members interact, there are several options aside from visiting Alex Jones' Infowars or Prison Planet websites which provide an equally hilarious rendition of reality (see here, here, here and here).

For instance, simply spend some time on the BLOG (emphasis on "blog") Zero Hedge and you'll see exactly what I mean; that is, unless you're one of the delusional lunatics who spends much of their day patrolling though hundreds of gold pumping, conspiracy, end of the world websites which (in part) comprise the gold-pumping doomsday crime syndicate. 

Indeed, if you'd like to compile a list of doomsday con artists and broken clock losers, Zero Hedge is a good place to start. Simply check the contributor list. You should also take note which delusional fear-mongering broken clock Jews the blog promotes each day. They all have incredibly terrible track records because they are broken clock salesmen pretending to be investment analysts. 

In the past I have discussed the fact that Zero Hedge is a gold-pumping blog that publishes complete nonsense, baseless conspiracies and delusional conclusions (see here and here). 

The apparent intent of the blog is to profit (in the form or advertising revenues) from their misinformed and largely mentally ill audience that spends most of their time reading about conspiracies on and other scam websites. 

What's more alarming is that the kosher media (i.e. both mainstream and alternative) cites this trash even though the authors remain anonymous. Furthermore, they have no track record, no credibility, and constantly create conspiracies all while predicting recessions and stock market collapses that never materialize.  

Ask yourself why the media would cite anonymous sources that publish baseless conspiracies when at least one of the contributors has been alleged to have been barred from Wall Street for securities fraud (which could explain why he remains anonymous) the blog has been caught engaging in plagiarism, and not a single contributor to the blog has an ounce of credibility.  

In fact, the blog publishes and promotes fake news in the spirit of Alex Jones and other con artists who make a living feeding the insatiable appetites of mentally deranged conspiracy fanatics. 

Allow me to answer for you. The media (both mainstream and alternative) is controlled by the Jewish mafia. And those who understand Jewish group behavior realize that these people have a long history of ganging up against gentiles in order to lie, cheat, steal and defraud them. Anyone who is unaware of this fact simply lacks an accurate picture of history. 

Jewish people perfected the "buddy system" concept when it comes to engaging in deceit. A good example of this can be seen by examining Zero Hedge's blog roll, as well as the blog roll of each blog listed on Zero Hedge's blog roll and you will notice a perpetual loop of idiots, con artists, doomsday pornography junkies, gold pumpers, broken clocks and faux heroes.

At the end of the day, like all content that is ad-based, the Zero Hedge's only goal appears to be focused on convincing its sheep followers that it provides credible information in order to sell ads. As such, it appeals to the pseudo-freedom and liberty crowd, otherwise known as "libertarians."  Many of the truly in-the-know refer to this crowd as the "supreme suckers." 

I like to refer to the followers of libertarian leaders as stooges of corporate fascism. The Libertarian leadership itself consists of Jewish con artists who seek to empower mega corporations at the expense of American workers and consumers.

At the end of the day, Zero Hedge is your typical kosher media scam. For those who truly understand the ramifications of that statement, nothing more needs to be added. For others who are unable to decipher the full meaning of that statement, you have much to learn. 

Does it make any sense that major media firms would promote a BLOG where the contributors are afraid to reveal who they are?

Does it make any sense that major media firms would cite hearsay from a blog, especially when the blog had no credible experts associated with it?

 It all makes perfect sense if you truly understand how the Jewish Mafia operates.

Only a complete fool would pay attention to anyone who does not reveal who they are. Unfortunately there are many fools in the world today. 

In this report, I present the findings of a multi-year effort to uncover Zero Hedge.  By the time you are finished reading this report, you are going to realize that Zero Hedge is a Jewish-run gold-pumping blog that publishes complete nonsense, baseless conspiracies and delusional conclusions, while exploiting its sheep audience.  

In short, Zero Hedge is an online version of Alex Jones' Infowars. Both are Fake News. 

In this detailed article, I intend to prove all of these claims and much more.

In short, am going to provide the reader with an unprecedented analysis of this fake news blog with the hopes that you will be able to use this detailed example as a starting point to spot other media scams.

You're also going to see how Zero Hedge serves as one of the pivot role in what I have previously identified as the gold-pumping crime syndicate. 

Finally, I will also show compelling evidence of what I have known for several years; namely that the liars, idiots and con artists behind Zero Hedge know well who I am and understand that my track record is untouchable.

And given that I am an acclaimed research analyst with no agendas, and given my commitment to uncover fraud and expose con artists (especially within the financial industry and financial media) as you shall soon see, Zero Hedge has intentionally ignored mention of me and my work as a way to keep the gold crowd in the dark.

A typical follower of Zero Hedge, Alex Jones, Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, Doug Casey

and other disinfo sources speaks in the video below.

This kid fails to realize how foolish he is so he posts videos on You Tube, never aware that people are laughing at him. 

There are millions of others that have put themselves in a similar predicament.

Does this kid above have mental and/or emotional issues?

I'm willing to bet on it.

Do the followers of Peter Schiff, Alex Jones, Max Keiser/Ron Paul, Doug Casey Jeff Rense and Zero Hedge have mental and/or emotional issues? 

Probably. In the very least, they're fucking STUPID. 

Below is a short preview of the email exchange from 2012 (approximately) between an individual who emailed Zero Hedge and they Jewish coward and liar who goes by the name "Tyler Durden." 

Notice how "Durden" evades the issues and basically says "pay us and we will interview Stathis. Meanwhile, the Zero Hedge blog roll looks like a Who's Who of idiots, many of which charge for content.

Email to “Tyler Durden” from (name withheld)

"The fact that you guys are always promoting con artists with no credibility (the list is too long to post here, not to mention your blog roll, which is filled with amateurs and more gold shills) and terrible track records, while not one mention of the leading expert in the world on the collapse, Mike Stathis of AVA Investment Analytics and author of the 2006 book that predicted this depression, proves that you guys are gold shills and con artists."


From: Tyler Durden <>
Subject: RE: Hot Tip

"Here’s the thing. Neither we, nor the people we “promote”, charge for their content. The “leading expert” does. As such, us promoting him would be equivalent to advertising. Certainly if Mr. Stathis wishes to advertise on Zero Hedge he is welcome to do so. He should promptly send an email to

We look forward to doing business with him. That is of course if Mr Stathis wishes to be promoted by 'gold shills and con artists'”


NOTE: Zero Hedge does in fact promote numerous clowns who charge for content such as Harry Dent, Marc Faber, Chris Martenson, Doug Casey and several others.  In addition, we provided all of our content at no charge for many years, yet Zeron Hedge was not interested in publishing it. Finally, don't you think a website that claims to present news would at least make mention of my amazing track record and perhaps seek to interview me?  Zero Hedge is a typical kosher scam. 

Reply from (name withheld)

"Thanks for your response, but actually, that's not exactly true. I've followed him for a good while now and he started restricting Some of his articles only because he has been banned everywhere. He only started restricting some content a few months ago. Also, there are two ways to charge people for content. The most misleading way thats always attached with motives is to give it away and sell advertisements on the site. Stathis has 0 ads. AVA is a investment research firm. Content is their means of business. The second way is to charge for content if it's valuable enough that people will pay for it. Stathis' content is the later. If you host ads, your content is ultimately dictated by advertisers. At my investment firm, we give away our research using it as a bonus because it's usually useless. We make money selling asset management and trading services.

Also, I've seen you talk about or interview guys who charge crazy prices for their "content/subscriptions" and they arent even pros or have a real record of excellence. And I've seen you guys on ZH mention fund managers who missed the collapse. So the question is, given his record, it seems odd that there has never been mention of Stathis, his accurate forecasts or his spectacularlt detailed book packed with accurate predictions, or even an interview. But I've seen you guys interview some real used car salesmen. Could it be because you guys are gold pumpers and only want gold pumpers around? I bet that racks up the gold ad bucks."

Sign into your account to access the full 90-page report.


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Mike Stathis holds the best investment forecasting track record in the world since 2006.

View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, herehere, here, here, here and here.

Check here to download Chapter 12 of Cashing in on the Real Estate Bubble.


This is the chapter that shows where Mike recommended shorting Fannie, Freddie, sub-primes, homebuilders, GM, GE, etc.



So why does the media continue to BAN Stathis? 



Why does the media constantly air con men who have lousy track records?

These are critical questions to be answered.

You need to confront the media with these questions. 

Watch the following videos and you will learn the answer to these questions:

You Will Lose Your Ass If You Listen To The Media


Mike Stathis holds the best investment forecasting track record in the world since 2006.

View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, herehere, here, here, here and here.

This is the chapter that shows where Mike recommended shorting Fannie, Freddie, sub-primes, homebuilders, GM, GE, etc.










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Mike Stathis might be the only true investment analyst with no vested interests in his insights and recommendations. Unlike other investment professionals, his firm does not sell or promote securities or any other type of investment, nor does he sell or promote gold, silver, real estate, alternative investments or funds.
Moreover, unlike most financial professisonals who spend much of their time and effort in the media, Mike's insights and recommendations do not serve as marketing pitches to generate investment clients from the retail public. In addition, his website and other media used by his firm has never sold advertisements or endorsed any products. 

It is critical to understand and always remember that no legitimate source that provides credible content sells advertisements or provides endorsements. These are the kinds of shady activities that charlatans and influencers are involved with. If you do not fully understand why this is the case, we invite you to examine the more than 500 articles, videos and audios explaining why, providing specific examples. 

Finally, MIke is neither a perma-bear nor perma-bull.  Yet, he has successfully guided his clients out of major stock market collapses, including the 2008 financial crisis towards the top, while making sure to get them back in at the bottom to enjoy the longest bull market in history. As such he is the only expert in the world we know of who has accurately predicted the ups and downs in the stock market over the past twenty years (the time he has served as a research analyst and investment strategist) and whose insights are pure and detached from vested interests. 
His research is untainted and cutting-edge. If you have been fortunate enough to have been the beneficiary of his research you are likely to agree that the results of his analysis and recommendations  have been short of remarkable.  

View Mike Stathis' Track Record herehereherehereherehere and here.

We have documented, time stamped publications backing the results in the following charts.

Most of the material shown in the following charts can be found in our track record links (see the links below).

We have documented, time stamped publications backing the results in the following charts.

Most of the material shown in the following charts can be found in our track record links (see the links below).

We have documented, time stamped publications backing the results in the following charts.

Most of the material shown in the following charts can be found in our track record links (see the links below).

We publish four (4) monthly research publications which provide the highest quality analysis (without any of the BS) found anywhere:


Stathis Shows Ackman, Soros And Bass Who The Boss Is

Mike Stathis Predicts Sears' Demise (along with Radio Shack and JC Penny) Years Ago While Exposing CNBC Idiots

INTELLIGENT INVESTOR (track record links)

Mike Stathis Warned About the 2022 Bear Market Before it Began

Can You Beat the S&P 500 Index? You Can If You Have Access to Our Research

Mike Stathis Predicted the Coronavirus Bear Market and Nailed the Bottom

Mike Shows You How to Make 100% in 2 Weeks and 200% in 6 months

Did You Own the Best Stock of 2016? Intelligent Investors Did

Mike Stathis is the Only Person to Have Nailed the First and Second Interest Rate Hikes

Mike Stathis Nails the Stock Market Breakout from November 2016 Months in Advance

Our Interest Rate Forecasts Have Yielded HUGE Gains 

Mike Stathis Was The Only Person To Have Nailed The First Rate Hike

Our Clients Avoided Being Exposed To The Market Collapse

Mike Stathis Predicted The August 2015 Stock Market Collapse

Guess Who Advised His Clients To Go To Cash BEFORE The Market Collapse?

The Media Has Banned The World's Leading Investment Forecaster

World's Best Market Forecaster Continues To Be Banned By The Media Crooks

Stathis Nails The Dec 2014 Market Selloff With Stunning Accuracy

Mike Stathis MUST Have A Crystal Ball. He Nailed The Market Correction AGAIN (excerpts only)

Excerpts Of The October 2014 Economic And Securities Supplement Audio 2

Who Do You Think Nailed the Latest Market Selloff AGAIN?

Stathis Nails the Market Correction in April 2014

Mike Stathis Nails The Stock Market Correction AGAIN, Top To Bottom

Where Is The Stock Market Headed? Let's Ask The World's Best Market Forecaster

Stathis Nails the Gold & Silver Trade Again

We Predicted The Market Selloff Yet Again

We Nailed The Gold Breakout

More Proof Wall Street Research Is Useless

ANOTHER Security From Our Recommended List Gets Bought Out

We Predicted The Market Correction AGAIN

Does AVA Investment Analytics Have Insider Information?

We Pin-Pointed the Past Two Market Tops And Bottoms

Does AVA Investment Analytics Have Insider Information?

4-Day Gains of 30% for 2011 and 2010 Performance

Another Huge Winner in a Few Weeks

Newsletter Stock Recommendation Soars More Than 25% in Just 3 Days

Can a Book Serve as a Crystal Ball?

Since The Market Lows, Only One Man Continues To Shine

Mike Stathis' Near-Perfect Market Forecasting Record

Another Security from the Intelligent Investor Soars

How to Short Stocks: Critical Lessons from the Intelligent Investor

The Case for Market Timing

Mike's Top 3 Stocks for Long-term Growth

Where Is The Stock Market Headed?


DIVIDEND GEMS (track record links)

Mike Stathis is the Only Person to Have Nailed the First and Second Interest Rate Hikes

Dividend Gems Subscribers Are Treated To Yet ANOTHER HUGE BUYOUT - Kraft

Dividend Gems Scores Another Huge Winner

Dividend Gems Scores ANOTHER Huge Payday

We Sold CenturyLink BEFORE It Collapsed

Warren Buffett Follows Our Lead On Heinz

Did You Own The BEST PERFORMING Stock In 2011? WE DID

Dividend Gems Destroys The S&P 500 Index AGAIN

Dividend Gems Holds Up As The Stock Market Collapses

Dividend Gems Continues To Smash The S&P 500 Index

Dividend Gems Outperforms Again

Dividend Gems Shines As The Market Corrects

The Impressive Performance Of Dividend Gems


MARKET FORECASTER (partial list; see this link for more)

Mike Stathis is the Only Person to Have Nailed the First and Second Interest Rate Hikes

Mike Stathis Nails the Stock Market Breakout from November 2016 Months in Advance

Our Interest Rate Forecasts Have Yielded HUGE Gains

Mike Stathis Was The Only Person To Have Nailed The First Rate Hike

Our Clients Avoided Being Exposed To The Market Collapse

Mike Stathis Predicted The August 2015 Stock Market Collapse

Guess Who Advised His Clients To Go To Cash BEFORE The Market Collapse?

The Media Has Banned The World's Leading Investment Forecaster

World's Best Market Forecaster Continues To Be Banned By The Media Crooks

Stathis Nails The Dec 2014 Market Selloff With Stunning Accuracy

Mike Stathis MUST Have A Crystal Ball. He Nailed The Market Correction AGAIN (excerpts only)

Who Do You Think Nailed the Latest Market Selloff AGAIN?

Stathis Nails the Market Correction in April 2014

Mike Stathis Nails The Stock Market Correction AGAIN, Top To Bottom

Where Is The Stock Market Headed? Let's Ask The World's Best Market Forecaster

Market Guidance: Past, Present And Future  (pre-newsletter, also see America's Financial Apocalypse)

The Case For Market Timing

A Lesson In Market Forecasting

Where Is The Stock Market Headed?

We Pin-Pointed The Past Two Market Tops And Bottoms

We Predicted The Market Correction AGAIN

Mike Stathis' Near-Perfect Market Forecasting Record 

Since The Market Lows, Only One Man Continues To Shine 

AVAIA Market Forecast And Recommendations SPOT ON, AGAIN

We Predicted The Market Selloff Yet Again


February 7, 2011

Excerpt from February 2011

August 5, 2013

August 19, 2013 Update


WTI & Brent Crude:*

August 5, 2013

August 19, 2013 Update


Henry Hub Natural Gas:*

August 5, 2013

August 19, 2013 Update


Gold & Silver:*

Mike Stathis Nails The Gold And Silver Trade Again (Oct - Nov 2015)

Guess Who Nailed The Most Recent Gold Trade AGAIN

Mike Stathis Nails The Latest Gold & Silver Trade (Jan-Feb 2015) Updated

Stathis Nails The Gold & Silver Selloff AGAIN - Jul - Sep 2014

March 25, 2013 Gold Analysis & Forecast

August 5, 2013

August 19, 2013 Update

The REAL Precious Metals Expert Shows You How it's Done

Stathis Nails the Gold & Silver Trade AGAIN

August 2012 - We Nailed The Gold Breakout


Mike Stathis Sets The Record Straight And Cleanses Your Mind


Other Videos Showing Stathis' Track Record

Proof That Mike Stathis Has The Leading Track Record On The Economic Collapse

Stathis Nails The Dec 2014 Market Selloff With Stunning Accuracy

The Media Has Banned The World's Leading Investment Forecaster

World's Best Market Forecaster Continues To Be Banned By The Media Crooks

Mike Stathis MUST Have A Crystal Ball. He Nailed The Market Correction AGAIN (excerpts only)

Mike Stathis Nails The Stock Market Correction AGAIN, Top To Bottom

Where Is The Stock Market Headed? Let's Ask The World's Best Market Forecaster

FACT: Mike Stathis is the leading expert on the economic collapse.

He has enabled his clients to profit BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the collapse.

No One in the world can match his track record from 2006 to current and he has backed that claim with a $100,000 guarantee which was expanded to a $1 million guarantee. 

The first thing you might want to do before continuing is to watch the video on this page. CLICK HERE.

View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, herehere, here, here, here and here.

The following list contains only a tiny portion of accurate macroeconomic forecasts and predictions made by Mike Stathis (verified by published research):*

  1. Collapse of Brazilian Economy (2011 - 2017, with bearish guidance for EWZ through early 2016)
  2. Collapse of Petrobras (2014)
  3. Collapse of Latin America (2013)
  4. Outperformance of India (late 2013-2015 and 2016-2017)
  5. Collapse of Greece 2009 (May)
  6. Deflation in EU for up to two decades (2011)
  7. Collapse of Commodities Market (2011)
  8. Collapse of Canadian dollar (2014)
  9. Collapse of Australian dollar (2014)
  10. Collapse of Brazilian real (2012-2015)
  11. Outperformance of the US dollar (2014 -2015)
  12. Collapse of gold and silver 2010-2011, with bearish long-term view
  13. ECB would begin a quantitative easing program (2012)
  14. Extremely accurate trading guidance for gold and silver (since inception of precious metals trading research, 2012-2017)
  15. Extremely accurate trading guidance for US dollar vs euro, yen, franc, real  (since inception of foreign currency trading research, 2012-2016)
  16. Estimated 85% accuracy rate for commodities (and gold & silver) trading guidance (2012-2016)
  17. Estimated at more than 95% accuracy in US stock market forecasting (timing and major moves top and bottom, 2008-2017)
  18. The complete up and down cycle of interest rate hikes and cuts in Brazil from 2012-2017
  19. Predicted Brazil would cut interest rates to a new record-low (2017)
  20. China would experience deflation as its economy weakened (2013, Global Economic Analysis, Brazil Part 3 Nov 15, 2013)
  21. China would cut interest rates to record lows (2014)
  22. China's stock market bubble (predicted Dec 2014 and Jan 2015)
  23. Japan's recession (2014)
  24. Warned that the emerging markets would collapse (2011-2012) due to capital outflows
  25. Warned that Brazil would lead the way in the EM collapse (2011-2012)
  26. Brazil's recession (2013-2016)
  27. EU's recessions (2011 and 2013)
  28. QE by the ECB (2013) and expansion of QE (2015)
  29. Collapse of China's stock bubble (June 2015)
  30. Collapse of interest rates in China to new record lows (2014)
  31. Downgrade of Brazilian Sovereign Debt to Junk
  32. First US interest rate hike after the financial crisis in December 2015 (predicted in 2014 and never changed the forecast)
  33. Predicted in 2015 Fed would raise interest rates by 25bp in December
  34. Predicted US interest rates would not be raised in June, July and probably not even September 2016 in contrast to Federal Reserve claims in early 2016 (March-June 2016); we leaned towards December as the first and only interest rate hike in 2016.
  35. Predicted 3 interest rate hikes in the US for 2017 well before the street or the Fed. 
  36. Warned that the long-term viability of the EU was at risk due to economic and societal issues (2009).
  37. Stated that at best, the EU would consist of a much different membership by 2020 due to defections and new additions (2010-2012), but long term would probably not succeed to the extent that the membership would eventually be so different than current that it would effectively be considered a failure.
  38. Predicted most of the debt downgrades in EU nations several months prior to the downgrades (2010-2012)
  39. Predicted that Japan would NOT face a sovereign debt crisis in the foreseeable future due to a variety of issues (2011)
  40. Predicted a long period of global deflation (2012).
  41. Predicted inflation in Brazil due to capital flows (2010).
  42. Predicted third rate hike in nearly a decade by the Fed on March 2017 (late February 2017). 


* these forecasts do not include the accuracy of market forecasts and securities guidance provided in the research.

Newsletter Performance Highlights: 

[1]   [2]   [3]   [4]   [5]   [6]   [7]   [8]   [9]   [10]   [11]   [12]   [13]   [14]  [15]  [16]  [17]  [18]  [19]  [20]  [21]  [22]  [23]  [24]  [25]  [26]

Video Presentation Highlights: 

[1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]  [6]  [7]  [8]  [9]  [10]          

The links discussing the results of the video presentations above pertain to two video series published in April 2012 – “20 Stocks Over $100” and “60 Stocks Poised for HUGE Moves”

Note: several additional winners from these presentations that have not been included here for lack of time.

In the past, we also gave away some nice freebies as well:

[1]   [2]   [3]   [4]   [5]   [6]   [7]   [8]   [9]   [10]  [11]   [12]   [13]   [14]   [15]   [16]  [17]  [18]  [19]

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These articles and commentaries cannot be reposted or used in any publications for which there is any revenue generated directly or indirectly. These articles cannot be used to enhance the viewer appeal of any website, including any ad revenue on the website, other than those sites for which specific written permission has been granted. Any such violations are unlawful and violators will be prosecuted in accordance with these laws.

Article 19 of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

This publication (written, audio and video) represents the commentary and/or criticisms from Mike Stathis or other individuals affiliated with Mike Stathis or AVA Investment Analytics (referred to hereafter as the “author”). Therefore, the commentary and/or criticisms only serve as an opinion and therefore should not be taken to be factual representations, regardless of what might be stated in these commentaries/criticisms. There is always a possibility that the author has made one or more unintentional errors, misspoke, misinterpreted information, and/or excluded information which might have altered the commentary and/or criticisms. Hence, you are advised to conduct your own independent investigations so that you can form your own conclusions. We encourage the public to contact us if we have made any errors in statements or assumptions. We also encourage the public to contact us if we have left out relevant information which might alter our conclusions. We cannot promise a response, but we will consider all valid information.

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Can anyone offer any evidence that there is someone who is any better than Mike?   If so, you would have already landed our $100,000 prize.   Below Mike has released Chapter 12......

Mike Stathis Delivers His Most Valuable Message for 2015

If you do not want to hear cursing please do not listen to this audio.

Two Financial "Experts" Discuss Bangkok Discos Demonstrating their Lack of Credibility

Over the years, the media has turned financial news and commentary into trash TV. Have you noticed that the clowns the media calls “experts” resemble many of the inept goofballs from one o...

You Will Be Judged by the Company You Keep

Can anyone offer any evidence that there is someone who is any better than Mike?   If so, you would have already landed our $100,000 prize.   Below Mike has released Chapter 1......

Fear Mongering Mind Control

Can anyone offer any evidence that there is someone who is any better than Mike?   If so, you would have already landed our $100,000 prize.   Below Mike has released Chap......

Blast From the Past - Peter Schiff Was Wrong

Peter Schff receives more media exposure from the financial media than anyone else in the world. He calls himself a "chief global strategist" and is the CEO of a small brokerage firm and gold com...

EXPOSED: Jim Sinclair and (Select) Gold Pumping Websites

I want to remind those who have not yet signed up and paid for a Membership or have become a Client via subscription of one of our investment newsletters that we have amassed the most detailed an...

Don't Shoot the Messenger


Mike Stathis Offers to Show Peter Schiff How to Invest Successfully

Another educational video.    

Stathis Exposes Broken Clock Jim Rogers and the Media (Extended)

Just a few charts added since the video was released...              Below Mike has released Chapter 12 of his own 2007 book showing that he was......

Special Release: Doomsday Douchebag Dance Mix

That's right people. We have put together a 31-minute dance mix featuring some great tunes along with the doomsday lines you've heard from some of the biggest douchebags in the world. 

The China Superpower Myth & The Best Investment Advice You Ever Heard

Background articles   Debunking The Myth That China Is Selling U.S. Treasury Securities   The Importance of China to the US Economy   ...

Jewish Mafia's Banking, Investment and Economic System Exposed

In this podcast, you will learn how the economic and financial segment of the Jewish Mafia’s operates. Although there is a great deal to this topic, Mike keeps the discussion simple and brief by...

Why Would the Media Ask a Thailand Resident about the US Economy?

Why is a guy who lives in a village of Thailand being interviewed about the US economy and capital markets? ...

A Look at the Peter Schiff Radio Show

Despite Schiff’s relentless efforts to keep his (useless) radio show going, he has announced it’s coming to a close soon. The reason why Schiff couldn’t cut it on radio despite hav...

China Has Increased US Treasury Holdings by Over 2000%

The following article is more than 7000 words and greater than 50 pages in length. The full article is only available to website Members and subscribers to one or more of our investment publicat...

EXPOSED: More Doomsday Charlatans (Agora Financial Pt 1)

In the video below, we take a closer look at the doomsday douche bag, Chris Martenson, along with the doomsday publication called Money Map, which is a production of Agora Financial. Agora Financial...

JC Parets: The New Investment Expert in the Media

Meet Josh Brown's former colleague and close friend, who he is continuously promoting.                         Birds of the...

Peter Schiff Wants More of Your Money

In 2007 Peter Schiff "wrote" a book that was apparently geared to win the approval of an unsophisticated and rather gullible audience. In addition to mentioning his disastrous brokerage firm on ever...

EXPOSED: Doug Casey (Part 1)

In my opinion Doug Casey is a great contrarian indicator and a huge charlatan. And anyone who does not realize this is simply a damn fool. Furthermore, keep in mind that the apple never falls far fr...

Mike Stathis' Message to Jim Rogers - "You're a Dumbass"

WARNING: The following video contains excessive use of mild profanity. Do not watch this video if you are easily offended by cursing.   We decided to make this video public access because......

Lady Gives Peter Schiff Lesson in Econ 101

Schiff is rarely matched up against anyone other than a yes man. There have been a few times when he has been put in his place. This is one of them. Mike provides some critical commentary in this vide...

Mike Stathis Offers to Bet Peter Schiff Money that Hyperinflation Will Not Occur

We recently ran across this excerpt from an interview given by Mike in June 2012, discussing the Rape of Greece by the Jewish bankers. You sure aren't going to hear this from the Kosher media because...

Peter Schiff Was Wrong: Taper Edition

For the most comprehensive list and details regarding investment con men, gold pumpers, idiots, trash media, fake “truthers” and more, check out the ENCYCLOPEDIA Of Bozos, Hacks, Snake Oil...

CNBC's Josh Brown and Stephanie Link Exposed as Idiots

If you think Peter Schiff is a moronic, motor-mouthed hypocrite, meet Josh Brown; a kid who has positioned himself as someone on your side. He is "reformed" after all; or is he?   While B...

Peter Schiff Is Too Stupid to Realize He Kept People Out of the Bull Market

    For the most comprehensive list and details regarding investment con men, gold pumpers, idiots, trash media, fake “truthers” and more, check out the ENCYCLOPED......

CNBC Pinhead Asks Thailand Resident if the Nasdaq is in a Bubble

Ask yourself if you would want to hear what some guy living in a village in Thailand has to say about the Nasdaq. For the most comprehensive list and details regarding investment con men, gold pumpe......

Peter Schiff Using Amateur Bloggers to Write His Gold Propaganda

Last year I exposed the chumps at Casey Research, utilizing Jeff Clark as a prime example of the kinds of clowns you see in the financial publishing industry. Clark is the firm's chief precious m...

Is Peter Schiff Any Different than Porter Stansberry or the NIA?

Today, we learn of even more clowns looking to duplicate Porter Stansberry’s fear-mongering tactics to lure unsophisticated people into his...

Comments on Fannie Mae, Bitcoin, Doug Casey, Jeff Berwick and Real Estate Scams

Here, Mike releases a 30-minute piece where he ties in many learning points.

Even the Mentally Challenged Realize Peter Schiff is Clueless

Folks, if you are going to listen to individuals for your investment decisions, you had better damn well make sure they have an excellent track record and no bias.  Needless to say, Peter Schi...

Mike Stathis Schools Peter Schiff on the Bankruptcy of Detroit

Today, Detroit's emergency manager announced a plan for the city to emerge out of bankruptcy. Throughout Detroit's solvency crisis, investment pundits and other hacks and lackeys have spread rumors an...

Marc Faber Shares His Expertise on Nightlife and "Happy Stuff"

In the video at the bottom of this article, you will see that Marc Faber admits to growing what one would assume to be as marijuana or some other illicit narcotic. He then goes on to offer what appe...

Peter Schiff Was Wrong

The definitive video that shows just how wrong Schiff has been.

What in the Hell is Marc Faber REALLY Doing in Thailand?

In this 20-page investigation, Mike shows you what a complete joke Marc Faber is, demonstrating that the media is nothing more than a fraudulent organization meant to exploit the sheep who tune in. By...

A Customer of Mike Maloney Warns the Public

Listen as this average Joe tells his story about Mike Maloney. Unfortunately, his situation is representative of millions of others just like him who have been fed a bag of lies by gold and silver dea...

EXPOSED: Chris Martenson

Who is Chris Martenson?  Is He Legit?  And is He on Your Side?   In this 3-year investigation of Martenson, we lay out the details of how this snake has elbowed his way into the gol...

Peter Schiff's Valcambi Gold Destroys Customers' Purchasing Power

Making terrible predictions, recommending stocks that collapse, being wrong up to 95% of the time on economics, while continuing to demonstrate very little if any value as a financial adviser may not...

Clueless Chris Martenson is Selling Fear (Part 2)

Anyone can pretend to be some kind of economic or investment expert in the media. After all, the standards used by the media are extremely low. Basically, if you tell the media you're qualified they...

Clueless Chris Martenson is Selling Fear (Part 1)

Anyone can pretend to be some kind of economic or investment expert in the media. After all, the standards used by the media are extremely low. Basically, if you tell the media you're qualified they...

Mike Stathis Offers Advice to Peter Schiff's Clients and Points Out His Ridiculous Statements

In the video, Mike educates Peter Schiff on the economics and risks in China, the realities about Social Security, and advises clients of Euro Pacific Capital to pull their funds ASAP because Schiff...

Peter Schiff Continues to Prove He is CLUELESS

The more I hear Schiff's delusional and ridiculous sale pitch, the more I am becoming convinced that he has lost his marbles, but that might well represent the best of all scenarios. The altern...

Mike Stathis Schools Marc Faber and Exposes More Clowns

Sit back, take notes as you watch, listen, learn and even laugh.

Peter Schiff Exposed and the Truth About Gold

The video below says it all...well, not really. There are many other videos required to counter all of the inaccurate promotion of him by the media criminals, but for now this should do.

Marketing Disguised as News: Meredith Whitney and Peter Schiff Exposed

Today, Mike points to a couple of examples of your typical media and marketing BS, compliments of Meredith Whitney and Peter Schiff.

Peter Schiff Embarrasses Himself AGAIN With His Dog and Pony Rant and Horrendous Forecasts

What more do we need to say other than what has been said in the headline? You won't want to miss this video.


Anyone who has a decent grasp on the economy and who also bothers to pay close attention to what Peter Schiff says should be able to see how he has no idea what he is talking about. Sit back and...

VIDEO: Peter Schiff Calls Himself a Buy-and-Hold Value Investor. I am Laughing My Ass Off

Schiff claims to be a value investor.  The funny thing about that is he recommends something that has no real value - GOLD!  In addition, unlike model value investors, Schiff does not see...

VIDEO: Is Gold a Ponzi Scheme? Listen to Marc Faber's Answer

Just another video showing you that ALL of these media idiots are CLUELESS salesmen with agendas and shitty track records.

VIDEO: Marc Faber Prefers Asian Equities

Just another example of how these media clowns flip-flop. They are all contrarian indicators! 

VIDEO: Casey Research: A Prime Example of Idiots in the Financial Publishing Business

You aren't going to want to miss this video. I was directed to the Casey Research website after following the trail of one of the doomsday videos that have been plastered by countless hucksters t...

VIDEO: More "Gold is Money" Brainwashing from Peter Schiff

After you watch this video, you will get a better idea why Peter Schiff fears going up head to head with Mike Stathis on a neutral platform. The two are on completely different levels. One is a clow...

VIDEO: Is Peter Schiff Finally Backing Away from His Extremist Claims?

Well, I'll let you decide for yourself. Watch the video, listen and learn the subtle art of sidestepping compliments of Peter Schiff.

VIDEO: Peter Schiff is a Salesman, Nothing More, Nothing Less

The video below says it all, well not really. There are many other videos required to counter all of the inaccurate promotion of him by the media criminals, but for now this should do. Feel free to do...

VIDEO: Stathis Schools Peter Schiff in Economics

Hell, someone had to do it.

He's Back! Harry Dent the Clown Making More Ridiculous Predictions

UPDATED info on Harry "Doomsday" Dent and his SHITTY track record (20014 - 2015): EXPOSED: More Doomsday Charlatans (Agora Financial Pt 1) Harry Dent, Wall Street Investment Bible an...

How Does Peter Schiff Spend His Time?

Everywhere you turn, it seems as if the media is feeding you with “experts” who have the next great call to make. Whether from the print or broadcast media, they always position their hand...

The Truth about Jim Cramer and CNBC (Part 1)

I first began my mission helping investors steer clear of Wall Street because I learned first hand how the game was played after having worked in the industry.  My mission has been to help inves...

Mutual Fund Disasters: David Tice and His Prudent Bear Fund

Want to save tens of thousands of dollars? In this article, I tie in numerous aspects of erroneous and deceptive marketing by the mutual fund industry, executed primarily through the business arrang...

Snake Oil Alert: Chris Martenson and Zero Hedge

We recently released a detailed article (18 pages) dissecting the methods and tactics of a new scam artist. See here. But we are by no means finished. We plan to continue discussing this guy and oth...

Exposed: Texe Marrs & Obama, Alex Jones & Ron Paul

In the past, I have written some pieces on Obama, Alex Jones and Ron Paul. Because I cover so many things, from investment and economic analysis, to healthcare and politics, my time continues to beco...

Is Peter Schiff REALLY Still Pimping the Euro?

As time moves forward, while my own forecasts and recommendations continue to serve as a crystal ball, many of those made by Peter Schiff of Europacific Capital continue to form an emba...

Peter Schiff Exposes Porter Stansberry's False Claims to Make You Think He is Different

In the past, I have discussed that Porter Stansberry made numerous false claims in his snake oil video, The End of America. The video is so full of crap that I cannot watch it to remi...

Did You Get Fleeced by Max Keiser, Alex Jones and the Rest of the Stooges?

Several months ago I warned about the silver pump-and-dump being orchestrated by Max Keiser and Alex Jones. I recommend you refresh your memory here. First, let me say this. If you are naiv...

Mutual Fund Disasters: Harry Dent the Fund Manager

Seizing upon his media “celebrity,” (which essentially means you have sheep lining up for your perceived expertise, created solely by being seen on television) Dent formed an ETF in 2009 c...

A Look at Harry Dent's Track Record

Update on Dent (April 25, 2015): Check out this new video on Dent, showing his terrible track record Broken Clock Moron Of The Month: Harry Dent   Update on Dent May 3, 2015: M...

Harry Dent. Economist, Futurist & Contrarian Indicator

UPDATED info on Harry "Doomsday" Dent and his SHITTY track record (20014 - 2015): EXPOSED: More Doomsday Charlatans (Agora Financial Pt 1) Harry Dent, Wall Street Investment Bible an...

Max Keiser, Alex Jones and their Lackeys Scamming People AGAIN

(Updated on December 14, 2010) I hate to waste time on useless scumbag liars and profiteers. However, if you want to be a great investor, you have to be able to recognize trash in order to avoid it....

The Nonsense from Schiff Continues

Today, I’m going to show you just how misguided Peter Schiff remains. As expected, Schiff continues to cling onto his one-way investment approach, which is focused on extremes.  I am convi...

An Important Message from Peter Schiff

I just ran across this plea from Peter Schiff in my mail box and I had to make a comment. This is a man who took his 5-man brokerage firm and turned it into a staff of over 100 in less than 3 ye...

More Misguided "Forecasts" from Peter Schiff

In the past, I have addressed the errors made by Peter Schiff's analysis of the economy and healthcare.  For those of you who are still behind the curve and actually think Schiff...

What Alex Jones Doesn't Want You to Know

A few months ago, I wrote a brief piece on how Alex Jones has brainwashed so many people. Well, actually, I only discussed a tiny portion of it. I have not had the time to write more...

Peter Schiff: Wrong on the Economy, Wrong on Healthcare (Part 3)

From what I can tell, the ONLY thing Mr. Schiff understands about healthcare is the poor design of private medical insurance. The current system does not provide real insurance. It’s nothing mor...

Peter Schiff: Wrong on the Economy, Wrong on Healthcare (Part 2)

Lesson #5: Extremists are Always Useless and Often Dangerous Certainly, President Obama is not going about things in a manner I would advise. But Peter, you cannot use his extremist approach (or I...

Peter Schiff: Wrong on the Economy, Wrong on Healthcare (Part 1)

I normally don’t bother myself with reading personal views pumped out throughout the Internet. But I came across one of Peter Schiff’s pitches demonstrating just how off the mark he remain...

Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer's Staged Theatrics

I won’t go into any type colorful description of the “showdown” between Jon Stewart and CNBC’s Kim Cramer. If you’re reading this you already know about it.  What I...

Another Pubilicity Stunt from the White House

It’s been endless. Ever since Obama has entered office, he has continued to fool Americans by expressing his “outrage” and “shamefulness” of these ridiculous taxpayer-fun...

Don't Bet on Hyperinflation

For several months now, I’ve heard all of this talk of hyperinflation. I’m sure you have too. I’ve seen that word so many times over the past year that I might have even used it with...
