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Search results for: Harry Dent



Showing 41-60 of 152 results

Mike Uncovers One of the Biggest Economic Mysteries in Southeast Asia

In this audio, Mike discusses some of the mysteries surrounding Thailand’s economy. In this first presentation, Mike begins a discussion that pertains to how it is possible for Thailand to have the world’s lowest unemployment rate (a more detailed discussion will be continued in the future). He also discusses the enigma of Thailand’s low unemployment rate during a period whereby the nation is also experiencing deflation.   In this audio Mike reminds listeners about various differences in data collection throughout the world, as well as a discussion of the various con men who continuously preach doom in the US while misrepresenting developing nations as safe havens.     Background Reading: 2012 Mid-Year Global Economic Analysis Global Economic and E...

Moron of the Month - David Stockman

UPDATED Note on March 9, 2018: As I have previously demonstrated, the so-called "experts" in the financial media are little more than professional marketers who promote a ridiculous doomsday narrative as a means by which to lure suckers into buying their books. The dirty secret is that most of them make the majority of their income from book sales (Peter Schiff, Jim Rickards, Jim Rogers, Harry Dent).  This alone is deceptive and could be considered fraud because the media positions these clowns as analysts, although they are actually marketing professionals, public speakers and authors (although I can assure you not a single one of these clowns has written any of their books). Remember, guys who spend the majority of their time being interviewed, giving speeches and writi...

Valuable Lessons from the Kolfage-Bannon "Fund the Wall Scam"

For background material on this piece, please refer to the following link Mike Stathis Was Right AGAIN When He Exposed the Build the Wall GoFundMe Campaign as a Scam When it comes to exposing fraud (e.g. securities, media, corporate and consumer fraud) detecting scams and exposing the mechanisms used by scam artists, Mike's track record remains unblemished since he began his crusade more than a decade ago.  From the onset, Mike was certain that Brian Kolfage's "We Fund the Wall" GoFundMe campaign was established for the purpose of defrauding individuals by use of a political talking point. He even mentioned that such ploys should be against the terms of service of GoFundMe.  Mike noted that the campaign seemed illegal and should have been axed by GoFundMe. But of co...

EXPOSED: Agora Financial's Copyediting Doomsday Syndicate

Continued from EXPOSED: More Doomsday Charlatans (Agora Financial Pt 1)   Have you ever wondered why so many people lose money in the stock market? Although investors are ultimately responsible for any bad investment decisions they have made, the financial media is the main cause of these losses for most people. Others are led astray by huckster copyeditors who pitch greed, fear, easy profits and other luring traps. But let's not forget that these con men have established strong, yet sometimes not so obvious business rellationships with the financial media. I'll get back to this point a bit later when I show you just one example; namely, how Mark Hulbert (Hulbret's Financial Digest) has partnered with MarketWatch to pitch a good deal of these copyediting con men to the naive...

EXPOSED: More Doomsday Charlatans (Agora Financial Pt 1)

In the video below, we take a closer look at the doomsday douche bag, Chris Martenson, along with the doomsday publication called Money Map, which is a production of Agora Financial. Agora Financial is the single largest copyediting firm spewing doomsday bullshit in the world. It publishes dozens of trash websites and newsletters, from Casey Research to the Daily Reckoning. Remember, the apple never falls far from the tree. I will be exposing Agora in more detail in the near future.     *Note: this list of companies and publications owned by or in some partnership with Agora Financial is not complete. There are several others not listed here such as the Oxford Club (soon to be featured in an upcoming video), Harry Dent (previously exposed) and several others.   &n...

Fake News Blog Zero Hedge Still Promoting Fear-Mongering Con Artists (like Doug Casey)

Today we look at the promotion of fear-mongering con man Doug Casey by the fake news blog known as Zero Hedge.  This exercise is being performed in order to highlight two important learn points pertaining to media deception and fraud. Before I begin, keep in mind that Casey hasn't written anything for years. His team of copywriting cons do all of the writing for him.  By focusing on Zero Hedge we will demonstrate the most common mechanism by which fake news and scams are now being disseminated on the internet. And by focusing on the piece from Doug Casey published by Zero Hedge, we will demonstrate the severity of the financial/investment related fake news and scams that continue to flood the internet.    As a reminder, I exposed Zero Hedge many years ago. Fo...

Adam Taggart Making Ridiculous Claims to Lure More Suckers to the Peak Prosperity Cult

I began my mission helping investors steer clear of Wall Street because I learned firsthand how the game was played after having worked in the industry.  Thereafter, I learned how the media helps Wall Street after I was black balled by all media in 2006 and thereafter for trying to warn main street about what would become an unprecedented financial crisis in 2008.  My mission has been to help investors become more knowledgeable and successful by providing cutting-edge investment research as well as top-notch educational content. I think I've done quite well in that regard.  As a part of this mission, I have also spent a great deal of time and effort exposing the criminal activities of the financial media, as it works with Wall Street to deceive and defraud main str...

Opening Statement from April 2014 Dividend Gems

Originally Published on April 17, 2014 from the Opening Statement of the April 2014 issue of Dividend Gems   The harsh winter season has put a dent in the earnings of some retailers. But the big question mark remains the impact of the overall weakness in many emerging market economies. For several months we have cautioned readers that we expected to see a growing trend of earnings weakness. The latest earnings misses were seen with IBM, GOOG and UNH.  

Ron Paul: Paid Whore for Scam Artist Porter Stansberry

I’ve already exposed Ron Paul as an agent of controlled opposition working for the Koch brothers. I’ve also previously exposed him as a proponent of the military-industrial complex. That’s right. If you think Paul’s so-called “anti-war" policy means an end to the military giants you haven't examined his list of campaign contributors. Defense giants funded Paul's campaign for years.  Finally, I’ve shown that Ron Paul is an absolute investment disaster. But that should come as no surprise to anyone who has heard some of the outlandish things he has said. Many of his economic ideas often cause sensible people to scratch their head in disbelief.  Every good salesman has a unique pitch. Ron Paul is no different. He has been cashing in on his pho...

Robert Prechter: Another Broken Clock Clown Promoted the by Media as an "Expert"

As we have discussed in he past, Robert Prechter is one of the doomsday clowns positioned by his Jewish buddies in the media as an "expert" despite being wrong time and time again. How can a man keep predicting a market collapse year after year when everything points to the contrary?  One thing I'm confident of. If you listen to Prechter you're probably going to lose your ass because he's a broken clock. People need to learn to distinguish between broken clock sales men who always pitch the same narrative versus real research analysts who know when to switch gears.   Most people do not understand this distinction so they have no idea what a real research analyst is because every single person constantly promoted by the media as an "expert" is a snake oil sales man. Don'...

Doug Casey: Investment Legend or Huge Liar and Career Con Man?

The number of lies presented in the following BS propaganda videos (below) are endless. But it's precisely what you'd expect from the kind of horse shit being pumped out of copywriting boiler rooms. When one mentions the topic of such boiler rooms you cannot avoid mention of Agora Financial, the world's largest publishing house of financial dog shit and copyrighting scams.  I have been exposing Agora's countless scams and con artists for more than a decade. Agora works with an army of some of the biggest con artists and broken clock, fear-mongering, disinformation hucksters in the financial publishing world, from Doug Casey, Harry Dent, Jim Rogers and Jim Rickards, to Nomi Prins, David Stockman, Paul Craig Roberts, Robert Kiyosaki and Tim Sykes. The list of scum bags working wit...

Michael Pento Scares Investors Out of Longest Bull Market in History

Were you scared out of the stock market over the past several years as a result of something you read or heard from one or more fear-mongering clowns?    You know who many of these fear mongering clowns are. They're the guys who have been preaching doom and gloom for years. And I'm willing to bet they'll be preaching the same bull shit until the day they die.  How can I be so sure of this?  Because doom and gloom is their sales pitch. They're in the (shady and arguably illegal) business of sales based on manipulation of your emotions using lies, exaggerations and many tactics too lengthy to mention here.  People who paint a never changing narrative are far from credible. And they certainly aren't analysts. They're shifty hucksters seeking to prey off your fe...

Using Fake News to Rip You Off: The Scam No One Else Is Talking About

Professional gold-pumping doom and gloom marketers like Doug Casey (and his monkeys), Stefan Molyneux, Jeff Berwick, Peter Schiff, Marc Faber, Jim Rogers, John Williams, Harry Dent, Gerald Celente, David Stockman, Paul Craig Roberts, Lawrence Kotlikoff, Eric Sprott, Rick Rule, Jim Rickards, Robert Kiyosaki, James Turk, John Rubino, John Mauldin, Bill Fleckenstein, Mike Maloney, Alex Jones, Max Keiser, Ron Paul and hundreds of others (remember, birds of a feather always flock together) have many ways to get you to part with your hard-earned cash.  Did You Get Fleeced by Max Keiser, Alex Jones and the Rest of the Stooges? Top 20 Gimmicks and Lies of Gold Charlatans - 100 pg e-book The most common tactic utilized by the doom and gloom marketing syndicate is to target yo...

Christopher Greene (AMTV) Is a Huge Con Man and Fraud

Alex Jones wannabe, Christopher Greene has been pumping out fear porn and scamming people ever since he lost his job at Merrill Lynch over a decade ago. Incidentally, he never even completed the training program at Merrill. I'm willing to bet he was "let go." That's one huge fail.   Along with a few other scam artists who failed on Wall Street and lost their job during or just after the financial crisis, Greene jumped aboard the Peter Schiff hyperinflation band wagon in order to take advantage of the group of naive stooges who had been primed by Schiff's broken clock, fear-mongering  rhetoric. Similar to the case with his fellow kosher tribesman Schiff, Greene tried his best to scare people from the stock market during a period when it was not so far from its post-financi...

Mike Stathis Explains the Media's Role in Deceiving Investors

Have you ever wondered why most people get screwed in the stock market? Most who lose their ass in the stock market rarely blame the real culprits. So who are the real culprits?

Definitive Proof that Jim Rogers is a Contrarian Indicator

Doomsday, broken clock charlatans seem to spread the same message that never changes unless they want to deceive their sheep. 

Zero Hedge is a Fake News Blog Featuring Jewish Charlatans (90pp ebook)

This investigation and work required to write the 90-page publication below (only the introduction is available to the general public) took several years of hard work. We believe this article alone is worth the price of an annual membership to our website because the education provided can save you from losing huge amounts of money once you understand who is lying to you and how they go about their methods.  If you want to remain clueless and constantly taken by the various con artists and media scams out there, simply do not elect to become a member of our website.  Website membership provides an enormous volume of additional articles, audios and videos. Membership Resources If you want to remain in the dark constantly following con artists and idiots, it's easy....

David Duke Runs When Confronted With Questions from Mike Stathis

A discussion pertaining to the so-called "white nationalist movement" could easily command its own category on this website. Perhaps I will revisit this topic again in the future. Here, I wanted to provide a follow up to some of the MP3 audios I published last year (check the audios section for these MP3s).  So let's begin by asking the following question... What do David Duke and Don Black have in common besides their previous leadership roles in the Klu Klux Klan? Please select what you believe to be the best answer from the choices provided below.  A. They are both liars. B. They are both controlled by Jewish handlers. C. They are both former Grand Wizards of the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan. D. All of the above. E. None of the above. ... By now, after having es...

Jim Sinclair: Exposed as a VERY Shady Gold Pumping Clown

You might want to review this video before watching the one below.   EXPOSED - Jim Sinclair and (Select) Gold Pumping Websites

American Greed - Precious Metals Con Men

      Moron of the Month - David Stockman EXPOSED - Jim Rickards (Part 1) Moron Of The Month: Harry Dent (Take 2) EXPOSED: More Doomsday Charlatans (Agora Financial Pt 1) Porter Stansberry The Clown, Preying On Sheep Peter Schiff Exposes Porter Stansberry's False Claims To Make You Think He Is Different Video: Educating a Libertarian Hack from Harvard Exposed: Texe Marrs & Obama, Alex Jones & Ron Paul Mike Stathis Destroys CNBC Wh**e And Schools Ron Paul In Economics Reminder about the Clowns Who Continue to Get Everything Wrong Ron Paul and Many Other Frauds EXPOSED Ron Paul, Investment Disaster ...
